Army organises debate competition

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 13: Army organised a debate competition on “Use of mobile phone by youth” at Army Goodwill School, Potha, today.
The students took active interest in the debate competition and were full of enthusiasm to showcase their talent.
Four students each were selected to speak on advantages and disadvantages of use of mobile phone by children.
Speaking for the topic, the students while bringing out advantages of mobile phones and said that it is quickest means of communication, entertainment, can get access to internet and get information on any thing through internet which is useful for students.
On the other hand, speaking against the topic the students brought out disadvantages of mobile phone and said it makes one dependent on it and which results in addiction, it regular use makes human communication limited, it also distracts students from studies and provides excess to information which is not meant for school going children.
The event was witnessed by students, Headmaster and teachers.
The students and the school authorities expressed their desire for conduct of similar programmes in future.
While presenting vote of thanks, Headmaster of Army Goodwill School, Potha said that organising these kind of activities will certainly contribute to the overall development of the students.