Army well equipped to counter all forms of conflicts: KJ Singh

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, June 18: Western Army Commander Lt Gen KJ Singh said today that armed forces were fully geared to meet any kind of security challenges as they were well equipped to successfully counter all forms of conflicts, which the enemy nation(s) (without naming Pakistan) may inflict on India.
“Our armed forces are well equipped to counter any kind of conflict. We are fully prepared to meet with any situation in the country. Morale of our troops is very high,” Lt Gen Singh, whose Western Command controls three strategic border districts of Jammu, Samba and Kathua in Jammu region apart from vast portion of Punjab including neighbouring Pathankot, said.
Asserting that there was nothing to be alarmed, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief Western Command said the troops were fully geared up on the frontiers to thwart infiltration attempts and any other kind of undesirable activities from across the borders.
Speaking at a seminar on “Global and Indigenous Terrorism: Challenges and the Way Forward”, organized today by the Kasauli Cantonment Board, Lt Gen Singh, however, assured the countrymen that there was nothing to be alarmed about as the Army was fully prepared to meet with any kind of security challenges across the entire spectrum of conflict, which would come their way.
Describing global terrorism as a major threat, the top Army Commander said: “our troops were fully capable to meet with any kind of challenges. We have faced many challenges and we are prepared, if more comes in our way. We are ready to meet with any kind of situation that develops”.
There has been no incident of infiltration attempt in all three districts of Jammu, Samba and Kathua, which falls under the jurisdiction of Western Commanding this year so far. Even in Punjab, the borders have been peaceful after January 2 terror attack at Pathankot air base in which seven security personnel and six militants were killed in view of strict surveillance and vigil being maintained by the troops to thwart infiltration attempts by the militants despite presence of large number of militants along launching pads across the border.
In a significant statement on the militancy, Major General Ashok Mehta, while addressing the seminar, explained as to how India had adopted a ‘win-win’ strategy in dealing with Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) sponsored insurgency, a few decades back in Sri Lanka.
“We could replicate a similar strategy,” he asserted.
It may be mentioned here that India had deputed IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force) to Sri Lanka during Rajiv Gandhi regime to help Lankan forces take on the LTTE.
Convener of the Strategic Studies Cell and former Defence Intelligence Agency chief, Lieutenant General Kamal Davar flagged various issues for the nation and security organizations of the State to bear in mind to counter both foreign sponsored and indigenous incubated terrorism. He asserted that terrorism had to be tackled in all its forms.
He exhorted the gathering that countering terrorism required the synergy of all security organs of the State and politicians in India must not politicize security issues which gravely affect the nation.
Dr Ajai Sahni, Director Institute of Conflict Management, Delhi, in his keynote address, cautioned the Government against adopting “flip-flop policies” in dealing with Pakistan, which was the major terror exporting nation of the world.
Former Central Army Commander, Lieutenant General VK Ahluwalia underlined the measures the nation must adopt to counter Left Wing extremism.
The Kasauli Cantonment hosted the ninth seminar of the Strategic Studies Cell. It was attended by a large number of serving Army officers, veterans from the Armed Forces and members of the Club from many regions of North India.