Army’s philanthropic role

Indian Army besides guarding borders is carrying out philanthropic activities across Rajouri region. In this district, Army is involved in educating tribal kids-a work which was the responsibility of the State Government.
An example in this context can be cited. The Government Boys Middle School had paucity of desks which were provided by the Army. This move has not only fulfilled the needs of students but has also generated good-will among people of the area.
Besides, it is providing guidance to students in career selection. The Army is also organising medical camps in remote parts of the district. These areas usually remain inaccessible to Government officials. Hence no attention is paid to healthcare of people. But army is always at the forefront of providing timely medical assistance to people. Unmindful of the pain they themselves to while trekking long distance, they ensure that people do not suffer.
These people friendly initiatives have endeared them to the public of the region. Long live India
Yours etc….
Shabir Ahmed Choudhary
Rajouri Jammu