Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 25: Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, BJP State Spokesperson on Kashmir Affairs, while addressing a programme “Chai Par Charcha” at Jammu today, said that in all cases Article 35A and Article 370 will have to go.
He made it clear that though the said Articles are currently subjudice matters, yet the Government will do its duty keeping in view all aspects of the legal, political and constitutional issues of concern.
He alleged that a large section of people in the Jammu and Kashmir State have been made to suffer continuously over the last seven decades due to the existence of the temporary provision of Article 370 of the Indian constitution. “It is this provision that has created categories among the citizens of J&K State and created a State within a State. It has instilled a sentiment of regional sub nationalism, secessionism besides enforcing secretarian and communal character into the body politic of the J&K State. This Article has also successfully created a wall of hatred and discrimination in the regular administrative and legislature business of the State,” he said.
While referring to the recent statement of Farooq Abdullah in this context, Chrungoo said that the leader of National Conference is yet to reconcile to the new situation and political dynamics of the State and the country. He said that it will take him sometime to get adjusted to the emerging developments in the socio-political scenario of the country. “Article 35A is a constitutional and political fraud committed upon the Parliament, Constitution and the people of India in 1954. The BJP is committed to do away with this constitutional fraud as soon as possible and in the case of Article 370, we need to make it clear that it will be scrapped as soon as we get the required numbers in both the Houses of Parliament,” he stressed.