Art 370 abrogated because of ‘separatist slogans’: Azad

Former CM and DPAP Chairman G N Azad addressing a large public rally at Mandi in Poonch. - Excelsior/Waseem
Former CM and DPAP Chairman G N Azad addressing a large public rally at Mandi in Poonch. - Excelsior/Waseem

‘Wedge being created among Gujjars, Paharis’

Excelsior Correspondent
POONCH, Feb 14: Former J&K Chief Minister and Chairman of DPAP, Ghulam Nabi Azad today said that Article 370 and 35A was abrogated because of those leaders who raised the separatist slogans, after which not only the special status but all other things were taken back from us.

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Addressing a large public rally at Mandi town in Poonch today Azad said,” I was the only person who spoke on the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A and defended it in the Parliament, the video of which would have been seen and listened by you all but nobody other including three MPs of National Conference spoke on this issue, We lost the status due to the slogans of `separatist’ leaders and those organizations who exploited our youth and made them to raise anti-India slogans,” Azad asserted.
“From the past some time, some political parties and leaders are creating difference between Paharis, Gujjars and Bakarwals. They are creating wedge among these people for their vested political interests. The people should not fall into their trap and live peacefully, maintaining age old communal harmony and brotherhood. I am deadly against the politics of religion and region,” Azad said.
“I don’t want that any mother loose her son, any sister loose her brother, husband of any lady get martyred as we have lost many lives in past especially on borders. The people must live in peace and take part in development of the region,” he added.
“I constructed hospitals, universities, roads and many buildings, gave boost to tourism in Poonch and other parts of J&K, gave lands to landless people. I will revive Roshni Scheme for which I need support of every Pahari, Gujjar, Kashmiri, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Christian as our developmental work will be for all communities and our candidates will contest elections on all seats of Parliament and Assembly constituencies”, he added.
DPAP leader outlined robust commitments to job creation and infrastructural growth and appealed for peace and unity among the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Azad criticized other political parties for misleading the public through divisive strategies that have resulted in the fragmentation of communities. He emphasized his commitment to honesty and dedicated work, asserting that his actions will always align with his words.
Former CM reiterated the importance of maintaining solidarity as a singular community, urging people not to succumb to the influences of divisive politics propagated by certain parties. He reaffirmed his mission to uplift the underprivileged, outlining plans to establish more schools, colleges, roads, and districts to enhance the overall socio-economic landscape of the region.
He urged the youth of Jammu and Kashmir to channel their energies into positive endeavors that contribute to the betterment of society. He stressed the importance of constructive engagement and community involvement as vital components in fostering a culture of peace, harmony, and progress.
Azad underscored the party’s unwavering commitment to defending the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in the context of Article 370 and land eviction orders. He lamented the lack of vocal opposition from other party leaders on the issue of Article 370, highlighted DPAP’s efforts in fighting against land eviction orders and securing the land rights of the people.
He reassured the public that DPAP will continue to prioritize the protection of land rights and the implementation of job rights if elected to power. Azad promised that his government, if elected, will work tirelessly to uphold the rights of the people, particularly in terms of land ownership and employment opportunities. He promised, stating that if elected to power, his government will bring back the Roshni Scheme.
Among others who were present in the meeting were GM Saroori, RS Chib, Anita Thakur, Salman Nizami, Sunita Arora, Ashok sharma, Riyaz Bashir Naz, Zahid Malik and others.