Art 370 facilitated militancy, 42000 lives lost: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh lighting the traditional lamp to formally inaugurate a programme organised by
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh lighting the traditional lamp to formally inaugurate a programme organised by "Janam TV" to honour war veterans, including living Param Vir Chakra recepients, at Kochi.

Excelsior Correspondent

KOCHI, Sept 7: Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh said here that Article 370 facilitated militancy in Jammu & Kashmir and around 42,000 innocent lives were lost in the last three decades. On the contrary, he said, in the last over four weeks after the abrogation of Article 370, there has not been a single gun fire, nor a single tear gas shell.
Addressing a programme organised by “Janam TV” to honour war veterans, including living Param Vir Chakra recipients, Dr Jitendra Singh, who was Chief Guest on the occasion, said that nation is eternally indebted to its Armed Forces and there can be no pardon for those who abuse the security persons. The security forces, both military and para military , he said, have functioned with utmost restrain during the tumultuous years of militancy in Kashmir and each soldier lost or each civilian lost is a huge loss to the nation as a whole.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, after revoking Article 370, Jammu & Kashmir has been placed under the central government and this decision has been taken after full consideration. He said,the positive outcomes in the months to come will vindicate the decision taken by the Modi government, even though it has been stated that J&K will not remain a Union Territory forever.
Hitting at some Kashmir – centric politicians who are making unsubstantiated allegations against the Armed Forces in Kashmir Valley, Dr Jitendra Singh said, in the evidence- based era of today, such allegations carry no weightage and therefore, deserve to be treated with the contempt they deserve. He said, the message should go out loud and clear that there will no more any premium on anti-India activism by certain vested interests.