Monday, March 17, 2025

Art World

A critique on Sahitya Akademi’s Festival of Letters

Rajeshwar singh 'Raju' SahityaAkademi, India's National Akademi of Letters having its office at Rabindra Bhawan, Near Mandi House,New Delhi is a premier literary institution dedicated...

Buying Guitar

Yantragyan In last Guitar chronicle article we gave you introduction about the guitar. Now, let's talk about buying one. I need a guitar man!!! The most heard...

Photography as a Career Option

Gauri Chabbra A picture tells a story, they say, A photograph is worth a thousand words. It isa powerful mediumIt can make you smile; sober...

Fading Colours of the Kite

                                         Nishant Shukla Kite Flying is an age old tradition in many parts of India like Gujarat and in countries like Afghanistan and the United...