Article 370 abrogation paving way for investments

Notwithstanding a negative narrative of some Congress leaders and unwarranted bellicosity and losing of nerves by Pakistan on the whole hearted positive and jubilant response by the entire nation to abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution of India conferring special status on Jammu and Kashmir, a reported change in the mindset of some leading business magnates and entrepreneurs towards investing in Jammu and Kashmir is bound to lead this part of the country towards new heights of economic prosperity. What is perceived as an air of “open minds and open markets” would ensure that the youth of the state would take leading part in taking the state to progress and prosperities. On these lines , Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pinned greater confidence and hope in the expected awakened new approach of the youth of the state towards seeing in the abrogation of the said article of the constitution all brighter rays of progress and prosperity.
It is an accepted principle of aspiring for all pronged development and progress that barriers , humps and impediments were removed and a new change allowed to dawn to bring in and facilitate too, avenues of leading a better life and securing tomorrow for the coming generations. How could a purely domestic decision of a country, that of doing away with Articles 370 (and 35 A) by using constitutional and democratic means , evoke any apprehensions when the entire exercise , though overdue, was loaded with the only objective – that of seeing how the people of the state stood benefitted is worth pondering over. Changes , departures from obsolete and unrequited practices, encouraging parities and adopting latest options alone were concomitants of progress and prosperity . The Prime Minister impressing upon ‘open minds and open markets’ , therefore, carried lot of meaning and positivity.
The Prime Minister envisions building a “Naya Kashmir” for which not only has he expressed hope but has shared the gathered information about prospective massive investments taking place in Jammu and Kashmir. Based on such premise, there was absolutely no scope for nursing any doubts or apprehensions and called for a new thinking and a changed mindset especially in the context of what was today’s world bogged with and focussed on, except the economic growth and that could never take place if there were unnecessary barriers. Short term satisfactions derived from massive aids, funds support, waiving of loans, low revenues and practically no employment opportunities, subsidies, protectionism, relying on massive imports matched with a fraction equivalent in exports and the like, were symptoms of dormancy and stagnation which could never even barely meet the growing demands of the people in respect of food, shelter and employment.
Removal of barriers of otherwise temporary nature like the one under reference resulted in integration which “gave boost to investment , innovation and incomes”. Who cannot concur and fully endorse the views of the Prime Minister in saying that investments needed certain conditions like stability, market access and predictable laws among other things and “the recent decision on Article 370 has ensured all these are present in Jammu and Kashmir and hence investments would definitely flow..” It may be noted that vital areas of the State economy like tourism, agriculture, information technology , healthcare, education etc are a few ones that call for huge investments to usher in better results leading to overall economic prosperity.
Better connectivity, linkages, roads and rail lines, modernisation of airports, better avenues of education like IIT, IIM, AIIMS etc were all in the offing and linked to an atmosphere of clarity and more positive thinking , free mindsets and no constitutional or statutory barriers that worked against all these avenues. Those misguided and misled youth of the Valley who still nursed some elusive dreams which are sold by our belligerent neighbour to them, should see the reason and read the bold writing on the wall. A better and assured future awaited them in wings and prudence demanded that they did not miss the opportunity.