Article 370 bridge between J&K, Centre: Sagar

Minister for Panchayati Raj Ali Mohd Sagar and MLA Dr Mustafa Kamaal addressing public gathering at Ganderbal on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
GANDERBAL, Dec 2: Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Ali Mohammad Sagar today laid foundation stone of new model village at Dagpora (Gadoora) in Ganderbal district here today. MLA, Hazratbal, Dr. Mustafa Kamaal was present on the occasion.
Addressing a gathering on the occasion, Mr. Sagar said that a golden era has begun since the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah took over the reins of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the promises made by the Government for setting up of model villages was aimed at providing basic facilities to the people at their doorsteps. He directed the authorities of Rural Development Department to complete the work on model village Dagpora (Gadoora) within nine months on which Rs 1.12 crore are being spent.
Mr. Sagar said that the progress registered on development and welfare front is the contribution of Omar Abdullah Government. He said crores of rupees were spent to construct roads, bridges besides colleges, schools hospitals and playfields. He said present Government has made administration responsive, transparent and accountable before public.
The Minister said visible change has been registered by launching massive development projects in rural as well as urban areas across the State and developmental activities have been speeded up to ensure completion within stipulated time. He said by setting up of Panchayati Raj system the public representatives have been empowered with 16 departments.
Underscoring the importance of Article 370 the Minister said it acts as bridge between State and Central Governments and there is no question of its scrapping.
Mr. Sagar cautioned the people about the vested interests of some political parties and asked them to play their role for strengthening of democratic setup in the State so that people living in Jammu and Kashmir   can touch new heights of prosperity and development.
Responding to the demands put forth by the people Mr. Sagar assured them that focused attention will be given to the area for its further development. He asked people to take maximum benefits from the Government schemes being implemented for the welfare and economic development. He urged upon youth to involve themselves in various employment generation schemes including SKWEPY, Himayat, Udaan besides other entrepreneurship schemes so that they are able to earn their livelihood with honour and dignity.
Dr Mustafa Kamaal in his address asked people to differentiate between right and wrong and go through the history of J&K and see the developmental graph registered by the National Conference for the welfare and development of the State. He said Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will usher era of peace, progress and development in the State.
He urged upon the people to struggle against divisive forces and asked them to work for cementing the bonds of brotherhood between various communities. He expressed serious concern over the emergence of divisive forces and termed the tendency as bad omen for healthy and vibrant growth of democracy.
Without naming any party, he exhorted the people to alienate, not only the individuals who carry out myopic politics based on hate and intolerance, but also the parties they belong to, at the strength of their vote.