Article 370 is not sub-judice, no power on earth can bring it back: Shahnawaz Hussain

National spokesperson of BJP Syed Shahnawaz Hussain addressing a press conference in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel
National spokesperson of BJP Syed Shahnawaz Hussain addressing a press conference in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel

SRINAGAR: Claiming that the matter involving revocation of Article 370 is not sub-judice in the Supreme Court (SC), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National spokesperson Syed Shahnawaz Hussain on Friday said that no power on earth can bring it back.

The BJP spokesperson -who is in Kashmir valley to campaign for his party candidates, contesting in the upcoming District Development Council (DDC) elections — said this while addressing a press conference in the summer capital.

“The matter pertaining to revocation of Article 370 is not sub judice. If someone goes to the court against my press conference, will it be banned? Article 370 will not be restored? no power on earth can bring it back. I want to say this especially to the youth that Article 370 is now buried for good and can never be revived again,” he said while answering a question.

He said Article 370 was a big blockage in the development of J&K and now nothing can stop the Union Territory from reaching its true potential.

The senior BJP leader further said that the people of J&K have full faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ‘Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas’ mantra.

Hitting out at Peoples Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD), he said other parties in J&K are representative of nepotism and work for the promotion of their families.

However, he said BJP represents the common man of J&K and works for the poor and the downtrodden. “Development is our only agenda and people will support us for a prosperous J&K,” he added.

Alleging that the Congress is scared of BJP, he said the party is still in an alliance with the PAGD behind the curtains. “Congress leaders have had sleepless nights due to PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. It was only after Mr Shah exposed that Congress was a part of the Gupkar gang, they distanced themselves from the alliance,” he said.

“Congress was part of Gupkar alliance in secrecy and when we exposed them, they claimed that they had nothing to do with it?. Because they (Congress) feel if it remains a part of Gupkar Alliance its name will be changed from ‘Congress I’ to ‘Congress Gupkar’ and they will have to answer the people in rest of the country. Congress has taken a step back in fear of repercussions,” he said. (AGENCIES)