Artificial atoms created for quantum computing

WASHINGTON, Apr 14: Scientists have created artificial atoms that generate single photons, an advance that may be a big step in efforts to develop all-optical quantum computing.

The artificial atoms — which work in air and at room temperature — were created by drilling holes into a thin two-dimensional sheet of hexagonal boron nitride with a gallium-focused ion beam.

“Our work provides a source of single photons that could act as carriers of quantum information or as qubits. We’ve patterned these sources, creating as many as we want, where we want,” said Benjamin J Aleman, from University of Oregon in the US.

“We’d like to pattern these single photon emitters into circuits or networks on a microchip so they can talk to each other, or to other existing qubits, like solid-state spins or superconducting circuit qubits,” said Aleman.

Artificial atoms were discovered three years ago in flakes of 2D hexagonal boron nitride, a single insulating layer of alternating boron and nitrogen atoms in a lattice that is also known as white graphene.

Researchers are using the discovery to produce and use photons as sources of single photons and qubits in quantum photonic circuits.

Traditional approaches for using atoms in quantum research have focused on capturing atoms or ions, and manipulating their spin with lasers so they exhibit quantum superposition, or the ability to be in a simultaneous combination of “off” and “on” states.

However, such work has required working in vacuum in extremely cold temperatures with sophisticated equipment.

Motivated by the observation that artificial atoms are frequently found near an edge, the researchers first created edges in the white graphene by drilling circles 500 nanometers wide and four nanometers deep.

The devices were then annealed in oxygen at 850 degrees Celsius to remove carbon and other residual material and to activate the emitters.

Confocal microscopy revealed tiny spots of light coming from the drilled regions. Zooming in, Aleman’s team saw that the individual bright spots were emitting light at the lowest possible level — a single photon at a time.

The individual photons conceivably could be used as tiny, ultra-sensitive thermometers, in quantum key distribution, or to transfer, store and process quantum information, according to the study published in the journal Nano Letters.

“The big breakthrough is that we’ve discovered a simple, scalable way to nanofabricate artificial atoms onto a microchip, and that the artificial atoms work in air and at room temperature,” Aleman said.

“Our artificial atoms will enable lots of new and powerful technologies. In the future, they could be used for safer, more secure, totally private communications, and much more powerful computers that could design life-saving drugs and help scientists gain a deeper understanding of the universe through quantum computation,” he said. (AGENCIES)