ASKPC cautions KPs against Hurriyat, disgruntled elements

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 6: All state Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC) has taken a serious note of some disgruntled and self styled persons of the community for posing to be the representatives of KPs, when in reality they have no position anywhere in the society.
Addressing executive meeting of ASKPC here today, its president, Advocate Ravinder Raina castigated these self-projected non entities. He reminded all that ASKPC is the premier organisation of KPs which has been fighting for the cause of the community right from 1931, when the community was brutally bruised and battered.
He said those who are trying to hobnob with separatist elements for return & rehabilitation, are living in a fool’s paradise. He appealed to the community not to get confused by vague schematic efforts of Hurriyat and few agents of community, as ASKPC out rightly rejects and condemns the decision of constituting a committee by Hurriyat for return & rehabilitation of KPs. At the same time, he warned the disgruntled elements and Hurriyat leaders not to interfere in KPs issues, as they can themselves decide where to live and how to live. They has faced seven exodus till date and do not want that its progeny should face the eighth exodus.
He wondered how come Hurriyat has a change of heart as even recently they had opposed the idea of resettlement colonies for the exiled community. KPs living in exile have already undergone numerous tribulations and hardships to uphold the dignity and respect of nation in general and community in particular.
Raina appealed the community members to stay vigilant against these Hurriyat and few vested interests of the community trying to defame and malign the nationalist community and bail out the fascists and fanatic forces from the sins which they perpetrated upon hapless minorities of Valley. Raina in a stern message to Hurriyat chairman said that it is pure day dreaming on part of Umar Farooq when he desires KPs to be part of their voice. KPs are nationalists of highest order who would prefer to die than become “voice of break India forces’’.
Dr TK Bhat, general secretary of ASKPC said that it is the same Hurriyat which outrightly rejected the establishment of Pandit colonies in Kashmir and warned that there shall be blood bath if land for Pandit colonies is procured by Government & now the same Hurriyat is showing false sympathy towards few disgruntled persons, masquerading as Kashmiri Pandits, reeks of mistrust and indicative of some schematic plans.
ASKPC after taking community on board, has resolved for a separate one place settlement with free flow of Indian Constitution and reservations in Parliament and State Assembly, he added.