Assembly, Council pass resolutions for peace, harmony

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Oct 9: The Legislative Assembly and Council today unanimously passed a resolution, seeking support of people throughout the country in creating an environment of peace and harmony.
The resolution proposed by opposition leader and former Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, soon after the end of Question Hour in the Legislative Assembly was supported by Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and unanimously passed by the House. It was later passed in the Council as well where it was moved by Education Minister, Naeem Akhtar.
The resolution passed by the Legislative Assembly reads: “This House unanimously resolves to reiterate the firm and unshakable faith of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in its age-old tradition of secularism, pluralism and tolerance. This House as the representative body of the will of the people of Jammu & Kashmir reasserts the need for strengthening further the bonds of brotherhood and fortify the values that have distinguished Jammu & Kashmir in the entire subcontinent in the most trying circumstances that led the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, to see a ray of light from here. This House further urges leadership at the national level across the party lines and seeks the support of the people throughout the country in creating an environment of peace and harmony so that all sections of the society become real stakeholders in the idea of India”.
Chief Minister, while supporting the resolution of Omar Abdullah said that there is no place for hate mongering and extremism in any civilised society.
Mufti stressed upon sending across a clear message of peace and communal harmony from the State’s Legislative Assembly, which he described as one of the most powerful institutions in the country.
He said the message of inclusiveness preached by great leaders must not get eclipsed by the action of those who create panic leading to insecurity amongst the minorities of the country.
“We are on the crossroads of history and have to again become torch-bearers of secularism, pluralism and tolerance in the country,” Mufti said. He reminded people of the words of Mahatma Gandhi, who saw a ray of hope in Kashmir when the entire subcontinent was burning in a communal frenzy that led to the partition in 1947.
“It was in the Sopore convention of 1938 when the fight for independence was still ongoing in the subcontinent that National Conference took a stand. In 1947, when migrants from other Kashmir (PoK) came here, the people in Bijbehara welcomed them with milk and water,” the Chief Minister said.
Mufti drew the attention of the lawmakers to the country’s freedom struggle and the role played by its illustrious leaders who believed in inclusiveness and religious tolerance. He said he was young when the country was fighting its battle for freedom. “We in Jammu and Kashmir, in tune with our own cultural diversity, have been an epitome of multiculturalism that has given space to people holding different shades of opinion in all the three regions”, he said. He described the transition of Muslim Conference into National Conference in 1938 as the turning point in the State’s history.
The Chief Minister praised former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, for bringing back Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah that changed the environment of the State. He said when Mohammad Ali Jinnah came to Kashmir, the whole of J&K stood up and conveyed to him that their path was different. “After Sheikh Saab assumed power, the State saw good governance and transparency and a space was created for leaders like me and Tarigami,” he said.
Asking people to endorse country’s rich diversity, Mufti said if India wants to become a leading world power, it will have to win the hearts and minds of the minorities, particularly Muslims, having a population of 17 crore. He said the unity and integrity of India will be shaken if its people fight in the name of religion. “The Muslims of the country cannot be ignored. They have supported different leaders like VP Singh, Mulayam Singh and others from various political parties and need to be given a sense of security,” he stressed.
Earlier, as soon as the Question Hour ended, Omar made a brief speech in which he said a deliberate attempt is being made to destroy the amity and harmony of the State.
Citing yesterday’s attack on MLA Abdul Rashid Sheikh, NC leader said it was not the real face of the State and that the House should pass a resolution to send a message that people should maintain harmony and brotherhood. The suggestion quickly endorsed by Mufti who praised Omar for his initiative.
“We created a precedent yesterday but that is not the real face of Jammu and Kashmir. At the time of partition, Mahatma Gandhi saw a ray of hope in the State. It was people of Kashmir who raised the slogan of ‘Hamlavar khabardar, hum Kashmiri hai tayyar’ with toy guns in hand (at the time of raids by tribals from Pakistan) and Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isayee aapas mai ha bhai bhai (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians are brothers),” Omar said.
The NC leader said deliberate attempts are being made to destroy this communal harmony in the State. “There are religious sentiments involved from both (sides) but it seems that a deliberate attempt is being made to destroy the amity and harmony. Internet has been suspended in Jammu and there is tension in Udhampur today. Let us again send that Gandhi’s ray of hope to the people of the State,” he added.
Speaker Kavinder Gupta put the resolution before the House soon after Mufti’s speech, which passed it unanimously.
The Legislative Council also passed the resolution unanimously. The Resolution was moved by Naeem Akhtar.