Association of Academics urges Govt to withdraw Public University Bill

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 3: The retired university teachers, including those who occupied senior positions in academics and university administration, met under the banner of J&K Association of Academics to deliberate upon the Public Universities Bill proposed by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir (UT).
The academicians were of the unanimous opinion that the proposed Bill will have a circumscribing impact upon the autonomous functioning of the Universities of J&K (UT). Not only this, every kind of research activity will not only suffer a total dilution but very methodology of research and research oriented programmes will get irretrievably reduced to mere spectacles of pseudo-academics, thus destroying the very sanctity of the role –playing matrix of research, which eventually governs the very academic potential and academic status of the universities,” they said.
The academicians further observed that the envisaged Bill will also negate and nullify the totality of the system of academic evolutionary cosmos; every university symbolizes by the very nature of its functioning and credibility of teaching, research and allied activities. “The proposed Bill is draconian by its very nature, conceptualization and intended motives, besides being a travesty of the Model University Act and UGC guidelines, they said and added that the intended Bill also totally deviates from the J&K University Reorganization Act of 1966.
The academicians maintained that universities throughout the country, have their independent, protected and credible methodology of selections to the various teaching as well university administrative posts without any interference from other unauthorized or unethical agencies/individuals. Handing over the selection process of academic positions to the State PSC would not be able to do justice, they added.
Keeping in view all these facts, the academicians of the University of Jammu appealed the Government that the proposed Public Universities Bill be withdrawn and not implemented, otherwise even the Vice Chancellor of every university will be akin to the Principal of a Government Degree College, and the University Teachers as Academics, will reduce their credibility as researchers, research guides for PhD Programmes and in fact, it shall get totally eroded; thereby cutting the very roots of a University functioning, its status besides the autonomy of a university as its very soul, heart-beat and its very existence.