Atiq’s son, accomplice killed in encounter


Gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad’s son Asad and an accomplice, both wanted in the Umesh Pal murder case, were killed in an encounter with the Uttar Pradesh Police in Jhansi today, officials said.
“Asad and Ghulam were wanted in the Umesh Pal murder case of Prayagraj and were carrying a reward of Rs 5 lakh each. They were killed in an encounter with an UP STF team,” said Special Director General (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar.
“Sophisticated foreign made weapons were recovered from the accused. Further details are awaited,” he said, adding the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force team was led by Deputy Superintendents of police Navendu Kumar and Vimal Kumar.
The encounter took place on a day Ahmad was presented before the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate in Prayagraj in the murder case and was sent to 14-day judicial custody.
Visuals showed two bodies lying beside a motorbike at the site of the alleged encounter. An ambulance later took them away.
STF officials said Asad and Ghulam were on the run since the murder of Umesh Pal on February 24. Several STF teams were pressed to track them down.
On Thursday, they were trying to flee on a motorcycle when they were intercepted by an STF team in Jhansi, the officials said, adding they opened fire on the personnel and were killed in retaliatory firing.
Umesh Pal, a key witness in the 2005 murder case of then BSP MLA Raju Pal, and his two police security guards were shot dead outside his home in Prayagraj’s Dhoomanganj area on February 24 this year.
His wife Jaya Pal had filed a case on February 25 against Atiq Ahmad, his brother Ashraf, Asad, Ghulam and others.
Reacting on the news of encounter, Umesh Pal’s family thanked Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and the police administration.
“Whatever they have done is right. He (the CM) has punished the killer of his daughter’s husband. I express my gratitude. He is like a father. Justice has been done,” Jaya told the media, adding she hoped strict action would be taken against other accused. (PTI)