Attachments cancelled

This has reference to the editorial’Attachments Cancelled’ (DE, July 29, 2016). It is really heartening to read that the GAD of the Government of J&K has issued an order directing all departmental secretaries and heads of the departments to cancel all attachments within their jurisdiction and report to the GAD  by a fixed date. Attachments are generally effected for two reasons: either to provide adequte staff to the under staffed /newly created office or to provide undue benefit to the blue eyed employees of the politicians or bureaucrats who are in power.In either case, attachments in any department are not in the interest of the public at large.Attachments of employees affect the efficiency and  functioning of their parent department and lead to resentment and  burden on the other employees of that department.There have been cases where influential employees have managed their attachments for years together.This order needs to be implemented in letter and spirit and attachments in all the offices  at every level-zonal, district, provincial etc.should be cancelled to provide efficient services to the public.
The Govt ought to create more posts of different cadres if the work in respect of delivery of services is suffering in some offices because of shortage of manpower but never resort to ordering attachments except in extreme circumstances such as severe ailments.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,