Attack on Army

This has reference to the news item ‘Soldier, civilian killed’ DE May 29.
The recent attacks on army personnel by militants in Kashmir underscore the fact that militants are not interested in maintaining peace in the Valley during the holy month of Ramadan.
Though army was initially reluctant to observe unilateral ceasefire, as it has maintained an upper hand on militants, and did not want to let the pressure off, even then it agreed to abide by ceasefire norms. In case militants are hell bent upon creating mayhem in the Valley by targetting security people, the people of the Valley then should not blame the army for the developing situation. Besides, the increasing incidents of rifle snatching, and bank looting is a matter of concern. The Bank authorities should chart out a  new course of action to foil the designs of militants. In case bank authorities remain mute spectators to the situation, it will embolden militants to carry on more such attacks in the future, and it will have serious repurcussions on the banking industry in the State.
Yours etc…
Amit Kumar