Attack on medical teams

Violence against visiting medical teams whose objective being to serve humanity in distress and pain could be termed as uncivilized, boorish and uncouth which must be condemned and the culprits jailed. Wagmuna in Baramulla district got a bad name by such act as the medical team following a set protocol reached the spot to carry out necessary exercise who never expected their vehicle getting damaged and they themselves getting physical thrashing compelling them to flee to save their lives. At the outset, let it be reiterated in no ambiguity that those of us who perhaps were treating the COVID-19 pandemic non seriously and not trying to know its lethality were not only posing irreversible danger to their lives but to their family members and all those whom they come in contact with.
Mass testing of the people is on the anvil and daily hundreds of thousands were subjected to corona-virus tests across the country and if in any locality reports of someone suspected of being a ”carrier” reach the concerned authorities, they had to take precautionary measures which were non negotiable and non optional. The area visited by the medical staff is reported to be already a Red Zone area and should infected people not be identified and treated or left free to spread infection engulfing scores in just few hours must be answered? Since the offence of assaulting medical and COVID front line workers is non-bail(able) offence, the culprits must be punished.