Attack on Pathankot airbase major challenge to PM: Omar

SRINAGAR :  Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said attack on Pathankot airbase by militants who have crossed from Pakistan was the first major challenge to Prime minister Narendra Modi’s bold Pakistan gambit.
However, he said the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) now has to insulate the Indo-Pak dialogue from such attacks. The working president of the opposition National Conference (NC) in the state took to micro blogging site twitter after terrorist attack, said, “That was quick. Here’s the first major challenge to the PM Modi’s bold Pakistan gambit.”
He said, “From past experience I’m sure it emerge that these militants crossed over within the last few hours with the airbase as a specific target.” Taking a jibe at BJP, Mr Abdullah further tweeted, “The BJP now has to sidestep its previous “terror & talks can’t go together” & insulate the Indo-Pak dialogue from such attacks.” (UNI)