Attention to Education and Livelihood

In order to bring peace, prosperity and security among the people of the country and to eradicate social evils and crimes from the society, the Government should give serious attention to the two main basic things education and livelihood.
The most valuable blessings of the Education are to form such a civilized society in which everyone may develop good habits, polite behaviour, amicable relationship, sincere friendly feelings for all and due respect for elders and love for the youngesters.
Virtually, the need is that the Education must be character promoting and career making which may provide avenues for livelihood too.
Advancement in all the fields is also necessary in a literate society. But, what is happening these days is quite shocking and we really feel ashamed of when we come to learn about the suicides, rapes, murders and attrocities over the females innocent girls in the country.
To ensure protection to the people from these odd, unbearable and paining situations, the Government must make strict and forceful laws and implement these very fairly so that a sense of doing good to others and humanity may prevail in our vast society, which is the crucial need of the times.
Som Raj Gupta
Retd Headmaster