Avoid being a soft State

Shaveta Sharma
One more intrusion, one more betrayal, one more violation of the cease-fire line, one more incident of killing of our brave soldiers…but look at the level of our patience, we still are in a state of slumber.. may be waiting for another Kargil like crisis or 13/12 or 26/11to happen. The stigma on India being a soft state is surely not a thing of credibility for her. Should we take the repeated assaults on our sovereignty so much casually?
First we talk about the Dragon i.e. our neighbor or I should say unfriendly neighbor- China. From the last four years, China has adopted a very aggressive posture as far as its policy towards India is concerned. Countless cases of intrusion into the Indian Territory have been noticed and reported but how stringently we dealt with her dubious moves…a big question to ask. Already China has betrayed our country in 1962 and being an Indian, one must not overlook her recent activities and aggressive postures. China is already possessing around 5,180 km area in Arunachal Pradesh along with many thousands Kms  in PoK. And now her dare has increased that much that she is claiming the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as its territory. Since the beginning of the current year, China has many a time  intruded into the Northern sector in the Indian territory but our government is just taking the security of our country for granted.
Then comes Pakistan- a country which has been a part of India, but under the umbrella of her pseudo-psychological insecurities, has been waging low-intensity warfare against India as she is not competent to directly match and challenge the military superiority of India. If we start talking about the ulterior and untiring efforts of Pakistan for sabotaging the unity and integrity of India, even thousands of pages would prove short. So I should only highlight the recent bids of intrusion and ceasefire violations. Since the beginning of 2013 to till date, Pakistan has tried to intrude into the Indian territory as many as 57 times and violated the cease-fire line as many as 17 times including the recent one in Poonch sector in which 5 Indian soldiers got martyrdom. Every time, when such kind of incidents occur, our Government  repeatedly warned that this kind of incident  won’t be tolerated further. It was expected that with the coming of democratic establishment in Pakistan, situation would get better but to everyone’s dismay, the situation got further worse  even worse as the number of violation of LoC has been on the rise. One prominent reason behind this would be that Nawaz Sharief wanted to draw the attention of the world community on the issue of Kashmir and simply wanted to again internationalize the Kashmir issue on the platform of the United Nations as the meeting of General Assembly is bound to be there in the month of September.
Both China and Pakistan have been practicing Mandal’s policy of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and playing both sides- a dual game of peace talks and agreement- diplomacy on our face and intruding into our territory and sponsoring terrorism for sabotaging the integrity and unity of our country through underground activities. One fails to to understand, why India is always craving hard to hug these countries tightly and mend all the fences with them despite the anti-Indian activities practiced by both these countries? India is surely a peace loving country but now when both our neighboring countries are trying incessantly to sabotage the internal peace and tarnish the democratic fabric of our country. Isn’t there  a need to break the shackles of being a soft state and take some really substantive and stringent steps against these countries who are  anti-Indian.
China and Pakistan have been adopting  aggressive and repressive postures one after the other viz-a-viz India and our government is just giving mild warnings that India is not going to tolerate more- a warning which has not even fell on the deaf ears of both the countries. But, unfortunately the reality is that we are tolerating all this from the past many years without taking any concrete step as may be we are over-obsessed with our peace-loving image.
(The writer is a PhD scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Jammu)