Award winners

After having fought for achieving much deserving independence in August 1947, India, in order to overcome and achieve over-all socio-economic independence and development, has put in all its sincere efforts with positive and constructive role played by its people and is still fighting the short-comings to its best capacity and capability. In this connection India also, as a Nation, has suitably recognized and rewarded its great people for their selfless contributions, works and sacrifices etc for which the whole Nation feels great proud and endorces the selection of deserving individuals for all such rewards and awards. It is not that  all such great people of India, at any stage or any point of time, have claimed or demanded any medals, recognition, rewards or awards for their great works. But it is the Nation as a whole which has correctly choosen them for all such decorations. The Indian Nation has been cherishing with proud having considered every great person for suitable and appropriate medals, rewards and awards. It is, at the same time, expected of every awardee to preserve and care for the sanctity, sentiments, honour and obligations towards awards bestowed on them by the Great Nation India. Award winners are proudly considered to be the torch bearers of the whole Nation to lead on a right and progressive path.  They cannot be expected to fall in the hands of opportunists to misuse them for their petty benefits/vested interests at  the cost of Nation’s peace, developmental progress, intergrity, brotherhood, religious harmony, tolerance and what not. They have to be sensitive towards the tolerance exhibited by the Nation.
The issues, that raise controversies/disagreements, can be discussed/debated in our Supreme institutions i.e Parliament and Judiciary where every kind of democracy prevails as the issues are finally decided on its merits/demerits without giving out any wrong messages for the people of India to feel ashamed. Opposition for the sake of opposition is always dangerous and detrimental to development while the positive and healthy opposition can prove to be beneficial for overall developments and Nation buildings plans/schemes/projects.
Nation is always great and above all. Any sort of compromises in the name of Nation is not acceptable in any way and needs to be dis-approved and opposed.
Yours etc..
T N Raina
Adarsh Nagar, Bantalab, Jammu