Baby Krishna uproots two giant trees

The affluent Nanda Baba kept a large household. Cows had to be tended, curd churned for butter, savouries prepared for the whole family and so on. No wonder, Ma Yashoda’s was always a busy day. Not that she did not have maids to help her. But she loved to do most of the chores herself, more so with little Krishna around her. The chubby, blue-skinned toddler, though, was not always easy to handle. He would upturn big earthen jugs to steal butter, crawl into nooks and crannies of the house to play hide and seek with her and pout piteously when she pretended to be annoyed with him.The pranks that Krishna played in the house made his foster mother love him the more – and at the same time, anxious for his safety.
One day, Krishna proved a little too much for Ma Yashoda. He had broken several jugs of curd and butter, littering the floor all over with the gooey material and clay shards. Now he was wallowing in the mess mirthfully. The house looked like it had never been kept clean. There was also the risk that anybody could fall on the slippery floor. She lost her patience with Krishna. Cautiously walking towards him, she caught him by his arm and dragged him to the veranda. There, she tied his waist loosely to a heavy mortar placed in a corner. Having taken care of the frolicsome child, Ma Yashoda got busy with cleaning up the floor.
Left to his antics, Krishna crawled energetically out of the veranda. Dragging the mortar behind him, he went down to the sprawling ground which was lined with several trees. At that time, the maids were helping Ma Yashoda inside the house. Nanda Baba was out on business and cowherds had gone to graze the cattle. There was no one to stop the little one as he strayed into the thick line of trees. Then it happened. The mortar got stuck between a pair of giant Arjuna trees. Krishna pulled with little effort and both the trees came crashing down with a loud thud.

Ancients Speak
Suman K Sharma

In an instant, not only Nanda Baba, Yashoda Ma and the housemaids, but the entire Gokul was there. To the surprise of them all, little Krishna stood aside from the fallen trees, his enchanting face lit up with a smile. The crowd heaved a sigh of relief. The trees were pretty old and a strong gust of wind must have felled them, they guessed. What perplexed the onlookers however was the sight of two handsome men who had emerged from the fallen trees. Dressed up in gleaming attire of gods, they bowed with folded hands before the wonder child and then disappeared altogether.
The world would come to know later that Krishna had released from tree-the two sons of Kubera, Nalakubera and Manigriva, from a curse of sage Narada.
A little-boy story with a big message. Krishna Bhagwan set upon to free two deva brothers, Nalakubera and Manigriva, from Narda’s curse. Could then Ma Yashoda restrain Him? Poor woman did not even know what it was all about. Godhead adopts mysterious ways to execute His plans while we mortals are left only to watch and wonder.