Back channel talks are on with India: Sartaj

ISLAMABAD, Jan 4: Back channel talks are on with India on Kashmir‚ Sir Creek and Siachen issues, Pakistan Prime Minister’s Advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said today.
However‚ he said that any breakthrough or forward movement on these issues could only be expected after the elections in India.
He said it is Pakistan’s “utmost endeavour” to improve relations with India.
Though the composite dialogue is facing delay due to the elections in India but certain groups on trade‚ energy and visa are in negotiations with each other, Aziz told state-run Radio Pakistan.
He said now when India is heading towards elections‚ peace at the Line of Control and continuation of talks is necessary to avoid any tension in bilateral relations.
When asked about Kashmir issue, Aziz said it is a very important issue and its resolution is imperative for improvement in Pakistan-India relations.
“Back channel talks are continuing with India on the issues of Kashmir‚ Sir Creek and Siachen,” Aziz said.
He said several countries have realised the importance of peace between the two countries and “are now evincing interest in Kashmir dispute.”
To another question‚ Aziz said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had given invitation to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh to visit Pakistan.
“Though there is less possibility of his visit but if he wishes to visit Islamabad in the next few weeks‚ we will definitely welcome him,” he said.
Pakistan has appointed its former foreign secretary Shehryar Khan as the man responsible for back-channel talks. His Indian counterpart is India’s ex-envoy to Pakistan S K Lambah. (AGENCIES)