Bail denied to Police Inspector in dowry death case

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 22: Additional Sessions Judge Jammu Tahir Khurshid Raina today rejected the bail application of Police Inspector Vivek Bassan, who was challaned by the CBI in dowry death case.
After commission of offence by the accused Inspector, police instead of registering an FIR against him and investigating the case fairly started un-warranted inquest proceedings in the case. After letting the incriminating material go waste police registered an FIR No. 85/2018 under Section 498-A, 304-B RPC and Section 30 of Arms Act that too after inordinate delay of two months.
During this whole exercise, whatever was done in the name of investigation by the police, was an eye wash being done to ensure the let off of the accused than to held him guilty for the commission of serious offences. Aggrieved by this uncalled for conduct of the IO and the sham investigation done by him in such a serious and sensitive matter, the father of the deceased Rattan Lal approached High Court and sought transfer of the investigation from police to CBI.
Finally on 28.01.2019 High Court transferred the investigation of the case to CBI. On its fresh investigation, accused stand charge- sheeted for commission of offences under Section 304-B, 498-A and under Section 7/27 Arms Act
After hearing Public Prosecutor for the CBI Vijay Dogra whereas Advocate Ved Bhushan for the applicant, Additional Sessions Judge Jammu Tahir Khurshid Raina observed, “as per the charge sheet, the investigation done by the police was a sham exercise, palpably unfair viz-a-viz role of IO and the ballistic expert is concerned, which amounts to commission of crime in itself for which a separate charge sheet is expected to be filed against the officials by the CBI as stated by its counsel”.
“The court is legally convinced that there appears reasonable grounds to believe that accused has committed the alleged serious offence like dowry death, which is burgeoning in our society, do not entitle him for grant of bail at this stage”, the Judge said and rejected the bail application.