Baisakhi Festival In Historic Gurudwaras of Pir Panchal region

K D Maini

Immediately after emergence of Khalsa Panth at Keshghar (Anandpur Sahib) Guru Gobind Singh ji asked the devotees, learned persons and preachers of Khalsa Panth to carry out the mission of Sikhism in various parts of country. In this process Baba Fariu Singh Ji (1640-1711AD) after taking Amrit at the hands of Guru ji left for North western part of the country and established his Dera at Rayoieay (his home town ) in district Hazara (now in Pakistan ) for preaching the teachings of Sikhism and started Guru Ka Langar. Before his death, he nominated his successor Sant Baba Punjab Singh ji of Nandhar to continue the mission in mountainous areas of Pir Panchal Region. Accordingly Sant Baba Punjab Singh Ji left for Pir Panchal region and reached Naloochi near Muzaffarabad. He organised a Diwan at Gurudwara Chatti Padshahi, and after that he established his Dera at Chattar Kalaas, started Langer and preaching of Sikhism. In due course of time one day, he met with a young boy whose name was Rocha Singh ji who became his true disciple and started accompaning Sant Baba Punjab Singh Ji during his visit of Pir Panchal areas and Kashmir. After few years when Baba Punjab Singh realized that his health is not permitting to continue the preaching work, he convened a Diwan and announced that Sant Bhai Rocha Singh will be his successor.
After few days Sant Baba Punjab Singh ji passed away in 1736AD and Sant Bhai Rocha Singh took over the Gaddi. He travelled Pir Panchal Region and Kashmir to spread Sikhism in those areas. He also visited the South Western part of Poonch and when he was at Dhamni, the Chief of the area Slabat Khan who was seriously ill and having no hope of survival was brought in the Diwan of Sant Bhai Rocha Singh ji. It is said that after Ardass for the health of Salabat Khan he survived. The Salabat Khan became the diciples of Sant ji and requested him to stay in his area. However Sant Ji selected Dhari Rawalakote for the Dera. Accordingly a Gurudwara was constructed, Langer started and regular Diwan for the Sangat were conducted in Rawalakote Gurudwara where the natives from Rawalakote and villages of that area started visiting and Sant Ji was teaching the basic principles of Sikhism to followers. In this process, his sermons became so inspiring that Hindu families started offering there first child to Khalsa panth. Santh Bhai Rocha Singh ji also started Basakhi festival and game of Giteka (War game) in that area. This martial art became very popular among the followers. In dew course of time a Jagir of 3172 kanals land was allotted to Gurudwara Sahib.
Dr. Nater Singh, the author of well researched book ‘Disciples in the hills’ wrote that when the health of Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji deteriorated, he nominated his favourite disciple Sant Bhai Mela Singh Ji as his successor with the advise to shift toward Poonch town for spreading Sikhism. After sometime Sant Bhai Rocha singh ji passed away in 1803AD at the age of 115 years. After the death of Sant Ji his disciples Sant Bhai Mela Singh Ji took over the Gaddi at the age of 20 years, constructed a Samad of Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji in Rawalakote and left for Poonch along with Jattha of traditional armed devotees (shahtar dhari) and reached Poonch town in mid of 1803AD.
As per Tarikh-a-Aqwam Poonch of Munshi Mohd Din Farooq, he wrote that in those days Poonch illaqa was Governed by a Gujjar Raja Ruch Allah Khan Sangu (1798-1819). But there was disturbance in Poonch town due to repeated clashes between Raja Rooh Allah Khan and Rathore Raja of Sadhroon. After knowing the spirituality of Sant Bhai Mela Singh ji, Ruch Allah met Sant ji and requested him to establish his Dera at Poonch town, but Sant ji was in search of a calm place where he could meditate. Thus Sant ji shifted to a Hindu populated village Booli 4 kms in the north of Poonch. Then Sant ji selected an elevated site adjoining to Booli which was covered with the forest of Nangals. His disciples removed the bushes and Nangals from the area which was full of natural vegetation and surrounded by snowy mountains from all the sides and a stream Darungli. Sant ji constructed his Dera at this place which is presently known as Dera Santpura Nangali Sahib. He conducted a Chilla to purify himself and then started spiritual teachings among the followers. Accordingly the devotees from Poonch town and adjoining villages started pouring in the shrine and converted it into a proper religious place. In 1814, when Maharaja Ranjeet Singh during his first attempt tried to capture Kashmir he reached Poonch, converted Booli village to his headquarter and visited Dera Nangali Sahib, met Sant Bhai Mela Singh ji, got his blessings and offered a jagir for the shrine. Later on in 1836 AD, Gulab Singh, the then Raja of Jammu was at Poonch to crush the revolt of rebel Raja Shamas Khan, he also visited Dera Nangali Sahib, to get the blessing of Sant Ji and presented a jagir to shrine.
Sant Bhai Mela Singh ji was a great spiritual Sant and during his tenure Sikhism flourished rapidly in Poonch illaqa. He also started organizing Baisakhi Mela at Nangali Sahib and introduced Gatika (Martial Art) during the festival. After leading a spiritual life, he passed away in the age 71 years on 4th November 1854 after handing over the Gaddi to Sant Bhai Mangal Singh ji. After that, Sant Bhai Mangal Singh ji, Sant Bhai Rattan Singh ji, Sant Bhai Avtar Singh ji, Sant Bhai Ratan Singh ji Modi, Sant Bhai Mour Singh ji, Sant Bhai Mangal Singh ji and Sant Bhai Bachitar Singh ji, remained the spiritual heads of Dera sant Pura Nangali Sahib and presently Sant Bhai Manjeet Singh ji is on this spiritual seat.
Sardar Narinder Singh president Gurudwara Parbandak Committee Poonch told that apart from religious congregation, routine Sabad Kirtan, Akhand Path and langar Sewa, Gurudwara Dera Sant Pura Nagali Sahib is known for Baisakhi mela which is considered the biggest Sikh religious function in J&K. Apart from local Sangat of Poonch Rajouri and villages, a large number Sikh families from J&K and abroad and those families who had shifted to other places during the turmoil of 1947 and who once belonged to this region and now settled all over India and abroad also assemble on the eve of Baisakhi a few days earlier, meet their relatives and friends, participate in Shabad Kirtan Akhand path, enjoy the cool climatic conditions of Nangali Sahib and visit Poonch city to revive their old memories and then join Baisakhi rituals. The Gatika of Poonch is one of the biggest events after the Gatika of Anandpur Sahib performed on the eve of Holla Mohalla. Presently three Gatika parties with traditional weapons and religious dresses come out from Gurudwara Sahib and play Gatika with traditional flavour and make the festival colorful and religious.
In spite of the fact that only few Sikhs families are residing Rajouri in town, they have preserved their religious heritage properly. The Gurudwara Chatti Padshahi exists in memory of the visit of Shree Guru Har Gobind Singh ji Maharaj. As per inscription written at Gurudwara Nowshera, during 1616AD when Mughal carvan of Jahangir while going to Kashmir from Lahore, on the invitation of emperor, the sixth Guru Har Gobind Singh ji also accompanied the Carvan with a motive to receive a Cholla (long shirt) from Devotee Mai Baghpuri at Srinagar. When the carvan reached Rajouri town, the emperor stayed in royal camp opposite Rajouri Town across Nala Salani. But Guru ji prefered to stay with a Sehajdhari Sikh devotee in Rajouri town where at present Gurudwara Chatti Padshahi exists. When the people of the town came to know about the presence of Guru ji, they assembled around him and Guru ji started religious sermons. The gathering in the Diwans of Guru Ji was bigger than the Darbar of emperor. This fact was brought into the notice of emperor who sent a message to Guru ji to join royal camp. However Guru Ji replied that he is comfortable with his devotees at Rajouri town.
After few days Guruji left Rajouri with Royal Carvan of Jahangir towards Kashmir. But the memories of the visits of Guruji are still alive in the shape of a marvelous Gurudwara Chhatti Padshahi in Rajouri town. Apart from other Sikh festivals Baisakhi is also organized in the Gurudwara where Sangat from the villages also participates. Since the Gurudawa Sahib is located in a congested place therefore after Akhand path and shabad kirtan, the sangat moves towards Gurudawa Alfa gate Rajouri. where thousands of Devotee from Rajouri and villages celebrate Baisakhi with great religious fervour.