Balakote Air Strike

The country has expressed happiness and satisfaction over the pre-dawn Indian Air Force surgical strike on the Jesh -e-Mohammad ‘s biggest terrorist training camp at Balakote in POK, in which more than 350 hardcore terrorists including their commanders and trainers have been killed,which is being hailed by the whole nation and the victory is being celebrated by raising slogans of Indian Air Force Zindabad and people were seen delighted by exchanging greetings -Mubarak .No doubt,it is a big achievement of the Government but suchlike surgical operations should be a continuous process from time to time so that other terrorists outfits may not raise their heads in future. Dr. Farooq Abdullah President National Conference,former Chief Minister and presently MP from time to time and on many other occasions repeatedly suggested for such surgical strikes by Indian forces on terrorist Camps in POJK so that more loss of human life may not occur on our side,it is good ultimately dream of Dr Farooq Abdullah has been fulfilled by the present Union Government and his plea for maintaining peace and communal harmony to his Party and people in general in any situation has been widely appreciated by the people of the State.
Narinder Singh
Former Director Information
J&K Government