Bali dedicates Advanced Bio-Chemistry Lab in GMC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 25: In a step forward towards improving the medicare facilities in the Tertiary Healthcare sector, Minister for Health & Medical Education, Bali Bhagat today dedicated Advanced Bio-Chemistry Immunoassay Laboratory in the Government Medical College, Jammu.
The state-of-the-art laboratory set up in the Department of Bio-Chemistry of Government Medical College is fully equipped with the latest equipments which are capable of conducting a wide spectrum of investigations ranging from hormone analysis, cancer marker detection, allergy test, test of detection of early onset of septicemia in critically ill patients along with detection of antigen and antibodies against various disease causing agents.
The other advanced investigations which would be undertaken in the laboratory included, Thyroid testing (T3, T4, TSH, FT3, FT4, Anti TPO) that help in detection of Vitamin D the estimation of Vitamin B-12 level deficiency of which leads to various disorders including Bone & Joint diseases, severe form of diseases affecting Nervous system and Blood formation, detection of Tumor markers like CA125, CA19.3 will help in early detection of various cancer affecting female population.
With the setting up of this advanced laboratory in the Government Medical College, a long pending demand of the patients of the Jammu region has been fulfilled.
Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that the health is the top-most priority of the present Government and every effort will be made to upgrade the existing infrastructure to provide improved medicare facilities to the people of the State.
He issued directions to the hospital administration to ensure proper upkeep of the wards and entire premises, which he said is pre-requisite for better medicare. He called for strict implementation of directions which have been issued for creating various patient-attendant friendly facilities in the hospital. He also inspected some wards and the newly created fabricated cabins in the earmarked spaces for attendants and issued directions for some modifications.
He also directed the Principal GMC and Medical Superintendent for re-starting the facility of breakfast for the indoor patients immediately, which was stopped some time back due to lack of funds. He assured to arrange funds for the purpose.
Earlier, the Principal, Dr. Zahid Gillani and HoD Bio-Chemistry, Dr. A.S. Bhatia briefed the Minister about the functioning of the newly set up laboratory.