Baltal, Pahalgam routes to be developed in phases

Neeraj Rohmetra
JAMMU, Nov 23: The State Government in tandem with the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) has worked out a comprehensive tentative plan for implementing the recommendations of the Special High Power Committee (SHPC), which had been constituted by the Supreme Court to suggest measures for satisfactory Yatra management during the Amarnath pilgrimage.
The requisite Tentative Plan had been submitted in affidavit before the Apex Court by Special Secretary, Tourism and Cultural Development on behalf of the State Government.
“Responding to various directions by the Supreme Court in the matter, the State Chief Secretary conducted series of meetings with the concerned officers of the State on 18th October, 7th November, 9th November and 16th November”, says the affidavit adding, “on the basis of the reports submitted by the concerned agencies and Department involved in conduct of Amarnath pilgrimage, a requisite Tentative Plan based on the recommendations of the SHPC and in compliance to the Supreme Court’s earlier order has been prepared”.
The affidavit spelts out in details about various initiatives taken by several Government Departments including Health, Roads & Building, Pollution Control Board, Tourism, Forest, Home Department besides the SASB, which is the main authority instrumental in conduct of the pilgrimage. All the stakeholders have also submitted before the Apex Court specific datelines, by which all arrangement for smooth conduct of Amarnath Yatra 2013 should be in place.
The Government in tandem with SASB has finalized a detailed plan for improvement of the track on both the Baltal Route and the Pahalgam Route and had also worked out things for double tracking of the route near the cave.
While referring to the Baltal Route, the affidavit says, “keeping in view of the directions of the Supreme Court dated 11 October, 2012 to commence on the Baltal Track forth with and taking into account the onset of winter, the entire work has been divided into two phases”.
Phase one comprised the works, which can be implemented during the current year after obtaining Forest clearances. Phase two would include the works, which would be taken up in the next working season in 2013. “However, all forest clearances required for the initiation of these works will be obtained by 31st December, this year. It is noteworthy that the project report has been prepared and indent has been placed”, says the affidavit.
While identifying the bottlenecks on the existing Pahalgam track in the first phase, the document stated that the process would include chiseling or rocks/boulders at six spots and the work will be started within two days after the grant of permission by the Forest Department. Most of these works are likely to be completed within one-week time.
“While efforts would be made to implement these works during the current year, the unpredictable weather conditions, which sometimes lead to early snowfall, could hamper the execution of works. The second Phase works as also those works of Phase one, which are not possible to be completed during this year shall be completed during 2013”, the affidavit says, adding, “the Forest Department has been asked to expedite the forest clearances as per the indent and the recommendations of the SHPC”.
As far as the issue of Pahalgam Route and double tracking near the cave is concerned, the Pahalgam Development Authority (PDA) in terms of the recommendations of the SHPC has prepared three project reports in consultation with Tourism and Forest Departments.
Three important components of this Project Report are:  Improvement of the track from Chandanwari base camp to Panchtarni, Improvement of existing track from Panchtarni to holy cave and Construction of separate track for pedestrians, ponies and palkies from lower base camp to holy cave.
“It is noteworthy that the area remained under snowbound till May every year and snow clearance is taken up in May by the PDA. Therefore, the execution of works will have to wait till snow clearance”, says the official document, adding, “the feasible course of action seems to be one of starting the execution of works immediately after the snow clearance operations are over. All out efforts will be made to complete it in 2013, as recommended by the SHPC”.
To avoid cases of Amarnath pilgrims’ death during the journey, the State Government and SASB have taken several important decisions including constitution of Committees comprising top-level health-related experts to handle any such untoward situation. These decisions assumed great significance in view of the fact that nearly 70 people had died during the pilgrimage this year and most of these deaths were due to health related ailments.
An Expert Medical Committee comprising three Medical Specialists nominated by the Union Health Ministry and one Medical Specialist nominated by the State Government has been constituted as per the affidavit. The Committee will review the format of the existing Compulsory Health Certificate and suggest suitable modifications therein, as required. State Health Secretary shall serve as the Convener of this Committee, which will also prescribe a checklist for issue of the Certificate and its standard format. The Committee has to finalise the revised format for compulsory Health fitness Certificate before 15 January, 2012.
The Health Department shall also finalise before the same dateline the list of institutions and authorized Officers for issuance of the Compulsory Health Certificate.  Other State Government and Union Health Ministry shall also provide list of reputed Private Medical institutions, locate din areas within their respective jurisdictions, which may be authorized to issue Health Fitness Certificates.
Another Committee has been constituted to ensure that medical facilities are rationally dispersed and relocated on the basis of critical assessments. The Committee comprises the State Secretary Health, CEO SASB, Director Health Services (Kashmir) and one senior officer each from Army, BSF, CRPF and ITBP will review the existing location of Medical Aid Centres (MACs) and rationalize their location along the Yatra route.
The Health Department shall also finalise a proposal for establishment of Indian System of Medicine (ISM) camps as a fair percentage of pilgrims prefer this treatment.
The documents further states that the Union Health Ministry shall facilitate timely arrangement for appropriate training in High Altitude Sickness Management being provided to doctors and paramedics of the State Health Department, who are to be deployed on Yatra duty.
As a sequel to this, the Secretary (Health and Family Welfare), Government of India held a meeting on 31st October this year and decided that an Expert Committee in Directorate General Health Services (GHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare would devise a capsule course on Mountain Medicine and facilitate training workshops.