The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi’s speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the 70th Independence Day must have gladdened many a patriotic heart in India. It look 70 years for an Indian PM to speak about the Baluchistan problem. Baluchistan one of the four provinces of Pakistan is facing an ethino-socio crisis at the hands of Pak Army and administration. It not only hopes of a strong Indian intervention but also expects India to raise the issue at the world forum. Therefore, an Indian PM speaking about the Baluch issue must have gladdened Baluchies. This was amply evident from the reactions of the Balochi people. But more important than this, the PM’s Speech is a direct reflection of the new stance India plans to take against Pakistan. For the first time, the posturing will not just be aggressive but tactical. Kashmir is an integral part of India and what needs to be settled is the issues related to Pak occupied Kashmir and Baluchistan. The raising of Baluch issue is more than welcome also because it reflects on the status of India as a nation in the sub-continent. As the big player of the Asia and being the largest democracy in the world India needs to stamp its authority on issues in its neighbourhood.
Let us hope and pray that we have a consistency in our approach while dealing with our neighbours.
Yours etc…..
S.N. Raina