Ban on mining hampers development: Sukhnandan

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 2: Choudhary Sukhnandan, Ex- Minister and senior BJP leader today said that the ban on mining is hampering the development works as well as irrigation projects since Mining Department is not allowing to lift the sand and Bajri needed for this projects. He has asked the Lieutenant Governor, G.C Murmu to look into the mater and resolve it.
He said since the Government is taking good steps to boost the rural economy by implementing the policies for benefits of the farming community, but without irrigation facilities these policies were of no use. He said that the khools (irrigation channels) i.e Rathua Khool and Pangore Lahorichack Khool in Marh block are badly affected, as these damaged water channels need immediate repairs so that fields in these areas get water for irrigation. Due to ban on mining these Khools which have many breaches can’t be repaired and this is hampering flow of water to the fields of the farmers, he added.
Sukhnandan said even the Jal Shakti Department is doing its best to facilitate the repairs of these water channels and called tenders for the works, but the ban put by the Mining Department is the biggest hurdle, as the contractors are not getting Bajri and sand which is the major component of the repair work if the repair of these channels not done in time.
He said hundred of acres of irrigated land will left without irrigation. Hundreds of farmers will not be able to sow the Kharif Crop which will be suicidal for the farmers as they have already faced huge loses due to untimely frequent rains and Lock down due to Covid-19. He asked the LG to look into the matter and solve the issue by ordering the Mining Department to allow the lifting of sand and Bajri for the essential irrigation and other important developmental works.