Ban on polythene bags

This has reference to the editorial’Blanket ban on polythene bags’ (DE, Dec29, 2017).It is appreciable that the Pollution Control Board(PCB) of our state has imposed a blanket ban on all polythene bags irrespective of their thickness.Earlier polythene bags, thicker than 50 microns were banned in the state.There is no doubt that polythene bags are a great environment and health hazard.They litter the landscape and ultimately find ways to parks, streets and waterbodies.Sometimes these bags containing leftover food/garbage are eaten by animals leading to their death.Their disposal is a big problem as they, being nonbiodegradable,don’t get decomposed easily.If buried in the soil, they prevent the fresh air/water/nutrients from reaching the roots of the  plants, thus retarding their growth and development. If burnt, they produce gases which are toxic in nature and thus, add to the air pollution.
Moreover, these bags choke the streets and block fresh flow of water, polluting the environment and causing diseases.Thus, their use is ,by no means, prudent and justified.Therefore, it is in the best interest of one and all that the use of such bags has been banned by PCB .Though they are strong,light weight and easy to carry, they can not be allowed to play with the good health of environment and the people.The PCB has taken the right and wise decision in imposing a blanket ban on the use of polythene bags across the state.But no ban can be successful unless the people are properly motivated.So the Government ought to aware the public, through print, electronic and social media anf other means to avoid using polythene bags as also enforce the ban strictly.The customers themselves should come forward and refuse to take things in polythene bags, thus forcing the shopkeepers and the vendors to give up using these bags.People in general should realize that nothing in the world is dearer and more precious to them than their health and they should avoid using polythene bags to ensure good health.They ought to say ‘goodbye’to plastic bags and switch over to cloth bags/coir bags to save the environment from degradation and live a healthier life.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony, Udhampur.