Ban on tobacco products

I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities towards the imposition of ban on tobacco products. It is really a right step in the right direction.
Till now all sections have taken right steps, but now comes the duty ofchecking staff to ensure the implementation of ban in letter and spirit. It has been observed that all the shops dealing with the sale of these items decorate their shops by displaying/depicting garlands of the pockets of Gutka/Pan Masla/Chutki to attract the customers of all ages (including minors). It is pertinent to mention that ban on tobacco products may not meet the fate of polythene bags as despite surprise checks by concerned authorities, they could not stop the use/sale of polythene bags. It has been learnt reliably that the stockist are earning huge profit by underhand means.
Therefore, I appeal that let it be a joint venture of all different sections of staff dealing with the imposition and implementation of ban i.e.enforcement staff, drug and food dept. and sales tax dept. to curb the evil designs of tobacco items dealers. The steps taken in the right direction at the right time will save many precious lives of poor citizens of our country.
Yours etc….
Major Harnam Singh(Retd.)
Sainik Colony,