Ban sought on sale, purchase of Chinese kite thread

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 30: A deputation led by social activist Balvinder Singh, convener, Sangarsh RTI Movement today met District Development Commissioner Jammu, Simrandeep Singh and gave him a representation urging him to ban the sale and purchase of Chinese/indigenous thread used for flying kites, made out of plastic or similar such synthetic material, under CrPC.
They submitted that various State Government Including Gujarat, Punjab, Chennai, Delhi, Maharashtra, have already imposed ban on its use looking at the detrimental effects of these types of threads on people, birds, animals and the environment also.
The lethality of synthetic thread has been documented with hundreds of birds’ casualties and thousands of birds’ injuries reported over the last few years. They said that there are also reports of pedestrians and people commuting on two wheelers also being injured/killed with the deadly “manjha” of the cut kite slashing their necks and causing loss of blood.
The District Magistrate assured them that he will immediately take steps to ban it under Crpc.