Bandh not solution to problems: Dr Magotra

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 17: Reacting to 72 hours Jammu bandh call by AIIMS Coordination Committee, BJYM State president, Dr. Suresh Ajay Magotra said that bandh is not a solution to any issue and BJP is committed for setting up AIIMS in Jammu.
Talking to media persons here, today, Dr Magotra reiterated, that “as far as BJP is concerned, the Party and its leaders are committed to the popular cause and empowerment of Jammu as BJP got the outstanding mandate from this region”.
“Joining the coalition government was in fact respecting the mandate given to the party by the people and BJP stands committed to the holistic development of the State particularly Jammu, which has been ignored by all successive governments till date”, he said, adding, “on the issue of AIIMS, the leadership of BJP has categorically declared that it shall ensure the establishment of AIIMS in Jammu come what may by all means”.
On the issue of artificial lake, he mentioned that this project was deliberately delayed by the previous Governments and now immediately after formation of BJP-PDP Coalition, this project has been taken up on priority basis and work is going on with full momentum.
He called upon the leadership of AIIMS Coordination Committee to understand that AIIMS like institutions take their own time and cannot be accomplished by waving magic wand. He asked the AIIMS Coordination Committee to honor the commitment made by responsible Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh as well as Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh.
Dr Magotra stressed that the coalition has succeeded in delivering good governance in short span of 100 days and put on track the neglected development of independent tourism destinations of Jammu region which was earlier deliberately ignored by Kashmir-Centric Governments with help Congress and with opportunist like NC, JKNPP etc.