Barbaric Act

The  beheading of two Indian soldiers by Pakistani army on the Line of Control in Krishna Ghati sector of Poonch district has shaken entire humanity on the globe. The dastardly and shameful act has been widely condemned in and outside our country. Pakistan’s nefarious designs on the frontiers and in Kashmir expose her  before the world community.  Pakistan policy towards India has all along remained hostile since the day of Pakistan. The Govt  of India not once but on several occasions initiated peace talks but all went futile. We have suffered heavy losses on many fronts. Our security jawans have been fighting against the Pak sponsored terrorism in Kashmir with full grit and wit. The present situation demands a free hand to be given to our security forces to deal firmly with the anti-national forces. The appeasement policy needs to be  given up now and a result oriented policy in combating terrorism  be adopted. There is a huge loss to our exchequer and how long will this loss can be borne is a million dollar question that needs to be answered. Mutilating bodies of our two army personnel  who were guarding our borders is a barbaric act and is eyeopener for those people who harp for talks with Pakistan. No civilised society will favour Pakistan on this inhuman slaughter. Our marytrs are the real heroes of our country. The Governments need to fully compensate them.
Yours etc…
S N Raina