Barbaric attack

George Bernard Shaw once said,” A barbarian thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature….” We lost forty four of our brave hearts in Srinagar on February 14 as a result of, not while fighting the enemy in combat but falling prey to its treachery, betrayal, perfidiousness and abject cowardice. We know the force behind it which is no other than the perpetrator of 26/11 attack in Mumbai and the blood spilled of innocent but lion hearted brave sons of India shall have to be matched with retributive treatment in good measure for which the enemy must start counting. In a democracy with unlimited freedom of speech and dissent , this dastardly terror attack has united the will of India , the resolve of India and the intention of India. In the words of the Prime Minister ,”130 crore Indians will give a befitting reply to this dastardly act.”
‘Excelsior’, today is putting forth views on a subject of entirely a different nature which has shocked the entire nation less as compared to the magnitude of tremendous indignation it has generated across the country as to how long shall we be playing kid gloves to raining bullets and bomb explosions which this country has been reeling under, for more than three decades. In such a scenario, should pity be taken on those who chant day in and day out “talks and CBMs only with Pakistan”. In a conscientious wording of a golden advice without mincing words, we would still like to bring home to the misled , misguided , indoctrinated militants not to dance anymore , now, to the tune of the terror country who has nothing to offer excepting death, destruction and devastation. If it is not taken as a warning, it is equally not to be taken as an ordinary advice as well.
Those who mischievously label the senseless violence in Kashmir as a “local movement ” are dealers in worst type of bull and cock story builders of different hues as traditionally Kashmiris are peace loving and guns, violence, arson , kidnappings , killing etc has never ever been any part of any culture which was intruded , polluted and muddied by the contemptuous chicanery and reprehensible manoeuvrings of Pakistan which speaks about how lethal weapons, fanaticism and mass radicalisation could effectively be exported to this part of the country by exploiting religious sentiments of the people. That, what is called a ‘Fidayeen’ rammed an explosive laden vehicle, most probably heavy IED , into the CRPF bus in a convoy near Lethpora in Pulwama district of Kashmir leading to martyring of our 44 brave hearts, is reminiscent of how Pakistan had been Talibanising its terror cadre and sending them to attack Afghan areas . It is no indigenous movement and it will never be one. United States has declared Pakistani notorious terrorist organisation, the Jaish-e-Mohammad by name, as also the UN and even Pakistan is suffering right through its nose and paying the price of promoting terrorism by facing international isolation and suspension of American aid .
Whenever India wants to come closer to Pakistan , this time under Kartarpur Corridor issue , terror outfits in Pakistan always create one satanic mischief or the other in India, it may be Kargil, Pathankot, Uri or Lethpora Pulwama barbaric cowardly attack. Let Pakistan now be ready to face more isolation from Indian side also and that is why Governor Satya Pal Malik warned the perpetrators of the terror attack that it would be responded with full force and that terrorism would be wiped out completely from the state .