Basant Mania

This pertains to improving traffic system in the Jammu city. After Basant Rath assumed charge as IGP Traffic, the people have started observing road rules.
Ironically not for their safety and concerns but surely to prevent confrontation with Mr Rath. It is like a never seen before scenario. Police officer is working dusk to dawn to make the traffic situation better. With his ardent way of working, he has become an icon among the people. His videos on social media are going viral and it shows his dedication to his work and work above ostentation. And the way he uses his social networking platform is also appreciable. As a common man I think that there is a great need of officers having such vigour, enthusiasm, zeal and honesty but unfortunately we don’t have such audacious officers. If Mr Rath is retained as IGP Traffic for six months then I bet that the traffic situation which was grave sometime before will be ideal and smooth as desired.
Yours etc….
Sanampreet Singh Reen