Battle Ready Rahul Gandhi

Ashok Bhan

The Congress President Rahul Gandhi was unflinching in his aggressive criticism of Modi led BJP Government on its failing record on Country’s economic management, social harmony,protection of the institutions, eradicating corruption, providing jobs to unemployed youth and doing justice to farmers etc.He also introspected about UPA’s failures in its term in office.He loudly proclaimed that  he is likely to build a Congress Party where the gulf between the worker and the leader would be bridged.
Rahul Gandhi has by far emerged as the principal challenger to Modi.A leader in whom masses can place their trust.He has the power to influence and lead from the front the Country through the democratic and constitutional process.
In India 65 percent of its population is under 35 years of age and there is a huge aspirational India.The Nehru-Gandhi scion Rahul Gandhi with legacy of”the tryst with destiny of pandit Nehru,the patriotism and sacrifices of Indira Gandhi, the  vision of Rajiv Gandhi and political outreach skills of Sonia Gandhi has a long way to go.The political and electoral success will chase him because he leads from the front,establishes an inclusive dialogue with masses, the congress karikartas,promotes progressive narrative and creates a modern vision that resonates and connects the youth and the aspirational India.He is emerging as an astute and skilful leader with the art of turning all the palpable failings of NDA into an opportunity.
Country expects Indian National Congress under Rahul Gandhi to undertake the unfulfilled task of building Modern India,free of intolerance,hate and discrimination.Where the fruits of development reach the poor of the poorest,harmonious coexistence becomes way of life and all citizens are equal partners in the progress.
Indian National Congress after having ruled the Country through UPA-1 & II for ten years lost out power to BJP by being reduced to 44 seats in Lok Sabha in 2014.The grand old party suffered a set back worst ever after 1977 elections.From 2014 onwards it has lost elections after elections in majority of the States in the Country.The last to lose is the recent Himachal Pradesh and Gujrat.
Rahul Gandhi has been leading the party for quite sometime into the dust and din of mass politics.With his hard work,passion to lead from the front and skill to weave political understanding with youthful leadership and likeminded secular parties,he has emerged as ‘the main challenger to PM Modi’.Notwithstanding the fact,that he does not have a level playing field with Modi.
The Modi juggernaut has been spreading the BJP political roots as a pan India party.Modi is a well trained Pracharak of RSS.He has a gift of the gab.He has the experience of being a Chief Minister.He successfully dislodged all his senior potential rivals from the race.He continues to command RSS support.He is the star vote catcher for BJP. He is perceived a passionate doer. Above all the big advantage and strength is that” He is the Prime Minister.
The plenary session marks the transition within the Party and the shift comes at a time when Congress Party is at its weakest ebb with power in only three States and less than fifty seats in Lok Sabha.Party cadres are enthused and encouraged after putting up strong challenge in Gujrat,winning by polls in Rajasthan and BJP suffering a setback in Uttar Pradesh.But these results don’t hide the structural weaknesses of the Congress Party at the grassroots level.
The political resolution passed unanimously at the session besides highlighting the failures of NDA, illustrates the collective will and Party’s political plan for 2019.It also manifest the failures of Modi Government on handling the Kashmir Situation.The Congress Party voiced with positivity the main tactic of forging a “pragmatic alliances”with other likeminded political parties.It has reiterated its openness to the pacts without claim to leadership that determined in post poll situation.
There is a dire need to prevent the fragmentation of anti BJP votes.The Congress Party’s main poll campaign plank will be economy,the promise of growth,welfare,farmers,jobs and intolerance etc.The idea is to capitalise on the failures of Modi Government to deliver “Achhe Din”.Congress main constituency will have to be farmers,youth and women the three of the most substantial demographic categories in the country.
All that is needed, strengthening of organisational structure and cadres require great political motivation to win 2019 elections. The Congress Party does not have the major support of larger social and caste groups in key election States.It has to evolve a narrative of what it can offer.The plenary session has helped the Congress Party become a battle-ready,with enthusiastic,involved and dynamic cadres of all the generations,but the political battle for the Party will be hard if not long.
Democracy  is so powerful that it humbles any and everybody howsoever he or she may appear invincible in the public perception.It throws up its alternatives.Ultimately what matters is the will of people/electorate.In the India shining era under Vajpayee Priministership got defeated by Sonia Gandhi who was very fresh and new to the din and dust of Indian politics. She became an alternate and led Congress Party to emerge as single largest party in 2014 general elections.She skilfully weaved,the pragmatic post election alliance UPA and dislodged the BJP-NDA Government from power for successive two terms.There is similarity between ‘India Shining’and ”Achhe Din’ current camaflouged campaign by BJP-NDA.
Rahul Gandhi has to keep in mind that he still has a formidable and powerful adversary in Narendra Modi and Sangh Parivar.Congress Party has to act fast on structructral changes and work hard focused on 2019 election for which he has sounded the bugle in plenary Congress Session.
(The author is Senior Advocate, AICC member and Senior Congress Party leader)