Be polite while implementing ongoing lockdown: DIG

DIG DKR range Uday Bhaskar Billa inaugurating a function on Monday.
DIG DKR range Uday Bhaskar Billa inaugurating a function on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
RAMBAN, May 24: Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Doda Kishtwar Ramban range Uday Bhaskar Billa chaired a meeting at District Police Lines here today.
The meeting was attended by all the officers and officials of District Ramban.
DIG after giving a patient hearing to all the issues raised by officers and officials assured that all the issues will be addressed at the earliest. Issues related to transfer, promotion and rewards etc will be addressed on priority, he further added.
On this occasion, DIG urged all the jawans to follow the SOPs while performing their duties. He further exhorted to all jawans to be firm and polite to public while implementing the ongoing lockdown in concerned areas.
Scooties were also distributed by DIG to all the police stations to facilitate the women help desks. This initiative was taken to curb the crimes against the women and increase the outreach of police to women living in distant areas, DIG added while speaking to media.
The meeting was also attended by SSP Ramban PD Nitya, Additional SP Ramban, DySP DAR, SDPO Gool and SDPO Banihal.
In the end, SSP Ramban PD Nitya presented vote of thanks.