Be unambiguous in condemnation of terror: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh performing Bhumi Pujan of village Haat at Udhampur on Sunday.
Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh performing Bhumi Pujan of village Haat at Udhampur on Sunday.

Avtar Bhat
UDHAMPUR, Feb 17 : Maintaining that war against terrorism will be intensified, Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that people of the country have awakened now and those who earlier hesitated in calling a terrorist a terrorist have realized after the Fidayeen attack on Indian brave hearts at Pulwama on Thursday that terrorism be fought unitedly.
Talking to reporters while performing Bhumi Pujan of Rs 20 crore Highway Haat cum village at Gurnai near here, Dr Jitendra Singh said that there should be no ambiguity in condemnation of terrorism which has eaten up the vitals of the society.
The Union Minister reiterated that selective condemnation of terrorism is dangerous and it is not harmful for nation only but also for those who indulge in selective condemnation of terrorism.
He said those issuing philosophical statements against the violence should muster courage and strongly condemn the terrorism which has no place in a civilized society like India. Dr Jitendra Singh said entire nation is one and has taken a untied stand against terrorism.
He said selective condemnation of terrorism by Kashmir apologists has been a morale booster for secessionist and anti national elements and sooner these parties realise that such type of attitude is harmful to their own interests as well as national interests is better. He made it clear that terrorist has no religion or region but his actions are inimical to cause of humanity as a whole.
Dr Jitendra Singh, who refuted to comment on withdrawal of security to separatist leaders in Kashmir valley, said “we should have full faith and trust in Prime Minister Narendra Modi”. “Be assured whatever step the Prime Minister will take, will be in the larger interests of nation”.
Dr Jitendra Singh also announced making the Udhampur Airstrip commercial. He said in this regard he has given a proposal to Union Civil Aviation Ministry recently. The Airstrip will be used for landing of aeroplanes twice in a week. Besides, he said Kishtwar Airstrip is being upgraded under Udaan scheme and this Airstrip will also be used for landing of aeroplanes.
Earlier he performed “Bhumi Pujan” to start the construction work of Jammu & Kashmir State’s second Highway Haat/Village at Gurnai, Udhampur on the National Highway.
Pertinent to mention that the State’s first Highway Haat/Village is coming up in Kathua, for which the construction work started about a month ago.
The two Highway Haat/Villages, in Kathua and Udhampur respectively, are among the first lot of such Highway complexes proposed by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) across the country, the Union Minister added.
He said four villages out of 1500 villages which will be established in the country are in Jammu region. Out of them one is at Jajjhar Kotli and another is at Nanath Samba. He said allocation of Rs. 1700 crore under PMGSY scheme for the constituency out of total Rs.3800 crore for the whole State, is highest- ever Central Road funding for Kathua , Doda and Udhampur Lok Sabha constituency.
He accused the previous NC -Congress Governments of totally ignoring this constituency in allocation of CRF with the result it remained far behind in development.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, it is a matter of pride and personal satisfaction for him that the State’s first two Highway Haat villages, under the new concept, are to come up in the Udhampur-Kathua-Doda Lok Sabha Constituency. Along with river Devika Rejuvenation Project, which was officially launched by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on February 3, he said, the new Highway Haat/Village will emerge as the second attractive destination in Udhampur and in times to come, both these locations will come to be known as twin tourists spots in Udhampur. This village will be completed in 18 months i.e in the year 2020.
Dr Jitendra Singh informed that the Highway Haat/village, the construction work of which started today, will be ready in one and half year and it will be a wholesome complex, consisting of food restaurant, rest rooms, automobile service station/workshop, medical dispensary, internet centre, wi-fi facility, toilet enclosure etc. This complex, he said, will also serve as source of revenue, business and job generation for youth.
He said such concept in India was brought for the first time in Narendra Modi’s rule. He said “we have heard of Highway villages in foreign countries or read about them in books. But bringing this concept in India is the result of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s vision and farsightedness, he added. ”
Earlier, in a solemn ceremony, which began with two minutes of silence in the memory of Pulwama attack martyrs, a “Bhumi Pujan: was performed amid the chanting of ‘Holy Mantras’ and was attended by Deputy Commissioner Ravinder Kumar, senior officers of State administration, NHAI officials, Chairman Municipal Council Dr Yogesh Gupta, prominent political leaders including BJP vice president, Pawan Khajuria, Somraj Khajura, Rakesh Gupta, Akhil Prasahar, as well as the newly elected Sarpanches and Panches.