‘Behtar Bharat’

As 7 Phase elections to 17th Lok Sabha are starting from 11 April to 19 May followed by counting on 23 May, a question which strikes in voters mind is the reason d’etre for voting, why should we vote and for whom?.It appears a very common question but analysis on deeper level opens a Pandora’s box for several questions  which haunts, especially, in the mind of those  voters who are going to cast their vote for the first time.
The reasons for collective action are myraid starting  from our daily needs, expectations,solidarity, faith and affiliation with particular ideology,change in the existing structure of the society for making it more inclusive and empowering one etc.To this extent all the above mentioned reasons are sufficient to convince a voter why should he vote but the paradox of our electoral system of majoritarianism,  based on the principle of first past the post, is that one who gets maximum votes is declared elected despite the fact that he actually gets a small percentage of votes as compared to overall votes of the constituency.Same is the case when it comes to the percentage of votes a Party gets in general elections as compared to overall vote percentage.
It’s a stark reality in India that criterion of majoritarianism actually yeilds space to minority(in numbers) to rule over majority.Authority allocating the value (resources) must represent the sentiment of majority but unfortunately the things are not working in this direction.
Though we can not get off rid from this toothless majoritarianism due to existence of  multiparty system in our country but  we can surely strengthen it or minimize its drawback  to a reasonable extent if every voter exercises his right to vote thereby ensuring  larger voter turnout.Even a slight change in voting  percentage can bring different outcome for parties as well as for contesting candidates. It’s foolish, counterproductive,and infact dangerous to not cast your vote,as for example,if you are against a particular policy or world view and oppose it tooth and nail,and then by not voting ,presuming it as “single vote  hardly matters” ,you  are infact helping that particular party to win.
This assumption gets its weightage from the fact that if we count the people who don’t cast their vote it comes out to be more than 35-45 percent aggregate and it would be the real game changer if they come out to cast their vote ,that would be real test of majortian system in a parliamentary democracy like ours. Therefore it becomes necessary to ensure that people must come out in large numbers and for that its indispensable to disseminate awareness, by every possible means, on participation of the people in the electoral process to exercise their voting right and its consequential  impact on their daily life.Voting provides an opportunity to people to voice their opinion and vote for what they believe in.Voting with a sense of shared responsibility  as citizen of the country without any identity based consideration like caste, religion or regional identity and opting to vote for an honest candidate is the only way we can shape our future for better.
It is the high time that educated youth  of the country should shoulder the responsibility for the awareness of the masses  as well as for making people aware of  larger voter turnout for change and  ’Behtar Bharat’.For Bringing the people out from the cave of shadows and illusions to the  reality of actual world , youth has to  come in front seat to hold the Baton of light.
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