Believe in yourself

Neeraj Dubey
Billions of people fail to live the life they have always wished to live. They fail to realize their ambitions and give up on their big dreams as soon as they encounter the first obstacle. One of the strongest causes for this attitude is that they do not believe in themselves. Believing in yourself is all about being sure that you are going to do whatever you want even if others were against you. Usually, when you decide to take a big challenge or to do something that people failed to do you will find that everyone is putting you down? Under the pressure of this criticism some people start to doubt their own abilities and eventually give up. The few people who manage to believe in themselves and who continue moving along the path they’ve chosen are the ones who succeed. Check out these real life examples and see for yourself: – During the Dot Com boom, practically everyone was buying internet stocks madly. One of the few people who didn’t buy was Warren Buffet. At the time, everyone criticized Buffet for his extreme caution and scepticism when dealing with these new stocks. Few years later, after the Dot Com bubble happened everyone lost a lot of money while Buffet ended up being the second richest man in the world!! Alex Haley received 200 rejections before he published the novel “Roots” which was published in 37 languages, won the Pulitzer Prize and become a popular television miniseries in 1977. In the early development stages of Microsoft, the company was going to be sold. The buyer turned the offer down because he thought that people wouldn’t need to put computers in their homes. Now Bill gates is the richest man in the world!! The previous examples were not of people who lived on other planets. They were just normal people like you, the only difference is that they believed in themselves and so they had the last laugh. If you want to be like these people and if you want to believe in yourself then stick to the following guidelines:-
*Learn about the psychology of convincing people: – In almost all the cases where people give up their goals half way through, they usually start their task being completely convinced with their ideas and are then put down by other people. Being put down is no more than being convinced that you are moving in the wrong direction. The problem with convincing people to believe in something is that it can easily be done regardless of which opinion is right! If you don’t want to allow anyone to affect your decisions or to put you down then learn about the psychology of convincing people.
*Stop thinking that people’s opinion are important: – Some people think that unless everyone agrees with them then they are wrong. This is completely wrong. No one ever succeeds without being rejected. If people think that you are wrong or that your efforts will yield no results then just go against them by either convincing them with your point of view right away or by waiting until they believe in you by force when they see your success.
*Believe in God: – Ask God for guidance and help and you will feel that you are backed up by a power which is superior to anyone who rejects you.
We believe that it is possible for human beings to improve. We believe that it is possible to raise the bar in your own life even if the world around you accepts average. We believe in ourselves and in each other. We believe that if you want better health or more happiness or a more meaningful job that you can make those things happen. And because of this belief we are willing to test, experiment, and try new things even when we feel uncertain. If you don’t believe that it’s possible to make new things work, then it’s hard to make any progress. I don’t care how good the ideas are, nothing will work for you if you don’t believe in it. And more importantly, nothing will work if you don’t believe in yourself. Personal safety skills are most powerful when you believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you are far more likely to: –
i)Trust your sense of what’s going on.
ii)Pay attention to the warnings your awareness and intuition can give you.
iii) Stand up for your rights.
iv) Respect your own boundaries and react when someone crosses them.
v) Believe in your ability to verbally or physically defend yourself.
vi) Receive more respect.
vii) Give yourselfthe caring, safety, and security you deserve. When you believe in yourself, most people looking to cause a problem will leave you alone. Any belief you may have about yourself, other people or your environment can either support and nourish you or diminish and harm you. If you have a strong belief in your self-worth, you will act to give yourself positive experiences – which will strengthen your self-worth that is likely to lead to more positive experiences, creating a positive cycle. If you truly believe you deserve to be safe, you are far more likely to do whatever it takes to protect your personal safety. If you believe you don’t deserve to be safe, then you may not do much at all.Three important beliefs to nurture are:- “My self-respect is worth standing up for.” , “I deserve to be safe.”, “I have the ability to keep myself safe.
“When you fully believe in yourself and your worth, an attack on your person becomes unacceptable to you. You are far more prepared to be determined, strong and clear in response to the little, everyday intrusions as well as to an attempted attack. You are less likely to accept that emotional and physical hurt is just a fact of life that you have to tolerate. You will be more able to stand up for yourself in ways that can transform your life.Personal safety grows from the power, energy, and passion you want in every part of your life. Having powerful and positive beliefs will help keep you safe. It will, of course, also help enhance your life moment by moment. The author conclude this topic by a simple quotation, “Believe in yourself & People will be forced to believe in you.”