Benefits of Green Exercise

Shahnaz Husain
In these days of air conditioned gyms, exercising in the open air may not sound that attractive. But the benefits are too many to ignore. In fact, the effects of outdoor exercising on the mind are so remarkable that scientists are even recommending it to people suffering from mental illness. Studies have shown that there is a marked improvement in mood and a sense of well being when one exercises out of doors, close to greenery.
Exercise and relaxation should be built into the lifestyle. The best thing would be if you can exercise in the open, in the early morning air. Breathing in fresh air helps to oxygenate the tissues. Start your day with 10 minutes of stretching exercises or a brisk walk. Then do deep breathing exercises for 5 minutes. The outdoors belong to us all. Apart from clean air, exercising out of doors means that you get more Vitamin D, through sunlight. In fact, deficiency of Vitamin D is a common complaint these days. Of course, moderation should be the key. One should not exercise out of doors, in extreme heat or extreme cold, nor have excessive sun-exposure.
Exercise has an overall revitalising effect. It improves circulation, strengthens the body, eliminates toxins and wastes and also helps to reduce stress.  All these can help to preserve youthful qualities of the body and benefit the appearance.  Indeed, exercise is certainly beneficial for physical fitness. It makes the body strong and agile, tones the muscles, increases stamina, improves blood circulation, imparts vitality and promotes good health. Where the appearance is concerned, a slim figure can take years off and helps in staying youthful for a longer time. It supplies oxygen to every tissue and this, itself makes way for both health and beauty. If you are leading a life that does not provide enough physical activity, you are actually encouraging aging. Exercise is a potent remedy for pre-mature aging, not only because it strengthens the body, but also keeps it looking trim and fit.
Regular exercise not only benefits the figure, but improves the health of the skin by improving blood circulation to the skin surface. This helps to supply essential nutrients to the skin. Exercise makes us sweat and promotes the removal of toxins through the skin and sweat. This is particularly helpful in conditions of skin congestion, like pimples and acne. Exercise also tones the skin, improves blood circulation and oxygenation to the skin and thus, imparts a healthy glow. Daily exercise also helps to tone the skin, keeping it youthful and healthy.
The same goes for the hair. Exercise helps to promote blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. This helps to supply the nutrients in the blood stream to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls hair loss. It also keeps the scalp healthy and prevents pore clogging, as toxins and impurities are eliminated through the sweat.
Regular exercise also means improved blood circulation to the extremities, i.e. to the fingers, fingernails, toes and toe nails. Indeed, exercise benefits the body as a whole, because it improves the strength of the circulatory and respiratory system, which also means improved oxygenation. It helps to transport oxygen more efficiently to all parts of the body, ensuring their good health.
Exercise also helps to reduce stress and this, in turn, helps to deal with stress-related conditions, like acne, pimples, hair loss, dandruff and so on. Many skin and hair problems are actually triggered off by stress. Studies carried out on people who have been on regular exercise have shown that positive changes occur in attitudes, emotional stability, self-confidence and son. This means that regular exercise has a direct effect on the mind, emotions and mood. This goes a long way in preventing stress-related skin and hair problems. Walking, is also a stress buster. It puts a glow on the skin. Even a brisk walk everyday can be a good exercise. Follow this by deep breathing. Lift your chest and take deep breaths and feel the purifying effects of adequate oxygen intake. You will feel instantly rejuvenated. There are many outdoor physical activities one can choose from, like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and so on. Remember to take your doctor’s “go ahead” before taking up any regular exercise programme.
Indeed, external beauty and internal good health are two sides of the same coin. Good looks and glamour project a vitality that comes from sheer good health. Unless you are healthy from the inside, you cannot reflect beauty or glamour. For a flawless skin, shiny hair and a slim figure, good health must be on top of the list.