Bestseller book with tips for vibrant living

O.P. Sharma
A very significant addition to Dogri literature is a vivid translation of the bestseller book entitled “The Monk Who Sold His Frerrari” by famous author Robin S Sharma, having roots  in Jammu  region  but now settled in Canada. Its Dogri translation has competently been done recently by eminent Dogri scholar Prof. Champa Sharma, founder HOD, Dogri Department of Jammu University and recipient of Sahitya Akademi Award. It was an enterprising literary initiative to bring this fiction work of personality development to the Dogri readership by undertaking a very difficult task. It is a note-worthy feature that this book in Dogri has been published by the J&K State Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, which is a rare and bold venture undertaken in the interest of Dogri language, its literature and the general public.
Main Theme
The theme and story-line of this book, in fact, is lessons in art of living enshrined in the ancient cultural practices in India. The narrative states that Julian Mantle, a high-profile lawyer in Canada lavishing in money, power and prestige but he suddenly had an heart attack in a court room which turned him completely. He sold his decent Banglow and costly Red Ferrari and undertook a journey to Himalayas in India and learnt lessons of enlightenment and spiritual way of living. The book narrates in a tell-tale style the main practices for enlightened life. These practical visionary practices of the East are usefully applicable to humanity anywhere across the globe.
The first edition of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ authored by Robin S Sharma in English was first published in the year 1997 by Harper Collins Publishers. The book was well received and became one of the bestseller as it is also one of the top selling personality development books. The core codes are : Master your mind, follow your purpose, practice kaizen, live with discipline, respect your time, selflessly serve others and live in the present. Each of these Virtues have been discussed in some details in separate chapters.
Motivating work
Like some other good books: “How to win Friends and Influence People”, or “The Art of Positive Thinking” and many others on recipes for better and purposeful living, Robin Sharma’s book contains the “gems for long and contented living style”. In this fiction book he shares unique experiences with saints in the Himalayas with his old colleague Mr. Juan in tell tale style. This book has already been translated into more than 75 languages in 62 nations across the globe. Fortunately, now its Dogri edition too is available. It is note-worthy mentioning that Robin Sharma has roots in Jammu region as his family shifted to Canada years back. Sharma leadership international (INC) is his unique venture on personality development and has authored a number of books on this subject. This internationally famous author was a practising legal profession having done LLM from Dehradoon in India. He has penned many popular books.
The great merit of Robin S Sharma’s work is that it focuses and inspires art and craft of living in ancient India and practiced by the rare sages as glowing example for common citizens. The merit of this 242 page book is that it enlightens the readers for upliftment of life. The Dogri translation is superb as Prof. Champa Sharma has done a very daring deed and made addition in the Dogri literature. She has to her credit important books like Flight of the Pigeon, Life & Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, Kathe Surityar of Somdev, Swami Rama Krishan Vachnamrit Saar; Kavya Prakash by Acharya Mammat.
Ten Point Code
The 10 Ancient Rituals for Radiant Living are:
(1) Ritual of Solitude spend speaks of 15 to 50 minutes daily for a time of silence and peace to know who you really are;
(2) Ritual of Physicality, is as you care for the body so you care for the mind. As you prepare your body, so you prepare your mind. As you train your body, so you train your mind. Take some time every single day to nourish the temple of your body through vigorous exercise.
(3) Ritual of Live Nourishment, asks you to fill your plate with fresh vegetables, fruits and grains.
(4) Ritual of Abundant Knowledge, “read regularly. Reading for quality book 30 minutes a day will do wonders for you”.
(5) Ritual of Personal Reflection, “review all you have done during the day, find the wrong action that you have committed and find a way to solve it and not to repeat the next day. Find the right action during the day and savor it more”.
(6) Ritual of Early Awakening, “rise from your bed as the sun is rising. You do not need to sleep 8 hours a day. The key thing is to improve the quality of your sleep and get up early every day”.
(7) Ritual of Music, “never forget the power of music. Spend a little time with it every day. When you feel down or weary, play some music”.
(8) Ritual of the Spoken Word, “develop a positive self-talk. Use it anytime you want for any purpose you want to achieve. Words transform your life”.
(9) Ritual of Congruent Character, “take daily, incremental action to build your character. Strengthening your character affects the way you see yourself and the actions you take. The actions you take come together to form your habits. ‘You sow a thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your destiny.”
(10) Ritual of Simplicity, “live a simple life. Reduce your needs and be content with less”.
Must Reading
The Dogri translation of Robin Sharma’s book has come as a refreshing breeze for the readers. This much demanded work on self-control, discipline, simplicity and practical ways of living will certainly transform the life of the Dogri speaking people. I am inspired by this book and expect that the entire Dogri readership will go for this priced moderately publication. Certainly this well produced book must be purchased and  read  by every individual citizen as well as kept in all the public libraries
(Starline Syndicate Service)