Beyond rage

Mehak Gupta Grover
Anger –  an intense emotional response characterised by antipathy towards someone or something. It is the dominant human emotion which is disruptive and can be dangerous.  It energises aggressive behaviour and is both protective and offensive at the same time. Anger doesn’t solve anything, it builds nothing; but it can destroy everything. In past few years, the world has experienced hundreds of terror attacks which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians. Along with loss of life, these attacks also result in destruction of priceless cultural artifacts including hospitals and schools. Government do take actions and pass new laws but the final execution is not strong enough. So, what is the cause of terrorism? ANGER! And what is the result of terrorism on ordinary people? ANGER!
Anger and hatred have become default responses to terror attacks as they change how we all must live or may even die. But, why can’t this anger be shaped out for improvement? What is happening globally is a more condensed and convoluted form of anger. Anger isn’t limited to the political arena. There are outbursts in any commercial situations, at home and everywhere. It’s the bad economy, the lack of stability in home, failure of teachers and parents to instil manners in children and list is endless.
Sometimes anger can be good for us, if expressed in a healthy way. However, unhealthy episodes of anger, when kept for longer periods can explode in rage or can even wreck havoc in our body. Repressed anger is associated with heart diseases. It even weakens our immune system. It is also linked to depression. Hostility can hurt our lungs and can even shorten our lives. If we are stressed and angry, we ‘ll definitely shorten our life span. As the quote says- happy people live longer.
Rage is a tornado of emotions, a full volume high energy anger that overrides all constraint and control. Anger is one letter short of danger. So always be careful with the words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. Ultimately, leading to frustration and anger.
In words of Buddha-
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Anger doesn’t automatically dissipate by being unleashed. It often feeds on itself. By furthering aggression, it often brings irreversible damage to those in the immediate vicinity. For every action that we perform, there is a consequence. Consequence can’t be avoided but action can be controlled. And actions can be controlled only if we have the capability to control our mind. People will always preach in every situation, but situations do come when anger flourishes. We are not superhumans.  We cannot have control over everything. But TRY!
All this anger and derision in which we are marinating is not healthy. Not for us, and certainly not for the Nation. But as a nation, we can’t seem to quit. We are so primed to be mad about something every morning, it’s almost disappointing when there isn’t an infuriating tweet to share or maybe something to message that is waiting in our phone. This anger is contagious and is making us sick. No wonder it feels as if our nation is little sick. It’s kind of a virus and some of us are more vulnerable to it than others. It is rightly said- make your anger so expensive that no one can afford it and make your happiness so cheap that people can almost get it free.
Anger is our worst enemy. When we are in a fit of anger, our mind refuses to act. Anger can be easily avoided with Patience. Anger and aggression have always been around. There’s never going to be a complete end to violence. Where there is anger, there is always pain. The issue is the consequence of this aggressive behaviour. Lets try to make our anger into a solution. Next time when a stranger makes us angry, just smile at him. Try to understand where our own anger is coming from. Try to take other person’s perspective as well. We really need to control our anger before it controls us!
Anger: a distorting element
If stays for long, can cause calamity,
Leave it immediately to experience euphoria!