Beyond the sound and fury of Shaheen Bagh

The furore of Shaheen Bagh presents scenes of the Theatre of the Absurd “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.Absurd and farcical elements have gripped this theatre.The whole story and the plot of the drama revolve around hatred ,abuse ,rancour ,belligerence ,fear psychosis and other airy nothings.
Numerous are the characters of various hues ,engaged in different roles,in the battle against the moves which , they believe ,will bring about catastrophe of far reaching consequences . What is , is not .There is something more in the depths below than what meets the eye. Now coming down from the allegory to what lies in the depths. The continuous hallabaloo at the Shaheen Bagh site emanates covertly from the inveterate hate directed against Modi and his govt.
A saying goes that a willing mind needs a little pressing. The fear, imagined though,that Muslims are unsafe in India,came handy to the opposition parties. The continued motivational pull and push did the trick.These disgruntled elements started pulling the wires from behind the scene to incite the protestors to do their worst.Ostensibly ,they took recourse to this insidious method to settle scores with Modi whom they consider their stark enemy. The compulsion behind these sniper attacks is not far to seek.These people have been deprived of their political glory and authority in the corridors of power, and utter desperation and frustration look them in the face .They are waiting in the wings for a chance to jump on to the centre stage so that they can bathe again in the glory of power.For this they can go to any length, including making friends with the devil, when it suits them.This they do to (a) to wrap up their past sinister sins of stupendous scams and (b) have a free hand to loot the Exchequer as ever before . Shaheen Bagh is likely to become a breeding ground for intrigues, brain washing and antinational posturings .It is going to provide a ready-to-use platform for hard boiled and passionate youngsters to spit venom of anti-national sentiments . The recent arrest of a young enthusiast is a case in point .
Enough is enough . This trend of outburst of anger against the nation has got to be halted before the charming bouquet of the country, laced with lovely flowers of various colours and contours , emitting a mixed fragrance, is knocked out of shape.
M L Raina