Bhagwat asks women to play their role in nation building

RSS chief, Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressing Mahila Samelan at Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh
RSS chief, Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressing Mahila Samelan at Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 14: Rashtriya Swayamsevak (RSS) Sarsanghchalak (chief), Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat today appealed the women to come forward and play their role in disciplining the Samaj and fostering bonds among the people for building a strong India.
Addressing a Mahila Samelan here at Eden Gardens on the second day of his two days visit to Jammu today, he said women can play a great role in disciplining the Samaj and for that they need not to join any organization but can do the same within four walls of their houses.
He said a woman who is also a mother can inspire her children in many ways to immolate the qualities of great men. She can make them disciplined and dedicated sons of their motherland. The role of women is supreme in upbringing and building the character of a child which in turn leads in building a strong and disciplined society, he added.
The great patriots and martyrs who laid down their lives for the unity and integration of the motherland were also inspired by the education and initial guidance which they received from their mothers, he said, adding that women in no way should consider themselves less important than men.
He said they should play their decisive role in creating an awareness in the Samaj (society). “Without women we can’t think of an awakened Samaj and in India where women constitute 50 percent of country’s population they can play a great role in transformation of Samaj for good”, he added.
Dr Bhagwat said that the prosperity and development of a nation depends on prosperity of both men and women as they are the two wheels of the society. No society can claim to be a developed society which ignores its women folk and in India the women has attained respect right from Vedic and Puranic period and we need not any body’s sermons and guidance in this regard, he added.
Dr Bhagwat said for serving the nation women need not to join any organization but they can do it within their homes by considering it as mini Bharat and imbibe spirit of self service and service towards their motherland among the other members of  the family.
He said that male members of the society also owe a service to women folk and they should be an inspiring force to them in serving the nation and society instead of trying to dominate them.
He said women should further broaden their vision towards society and nation.
Geeta Thai Gunday Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Samanway president also spoke on the occasion. She said the women have started playing their role in affairs of society and nation.
Richan Angmani president Ladakh Kalian Samaj also addressed the Samelan while the stage was managed by Advocate Vandhna. Neelam Sharma was convenor of the programme.