Bhalla inaugurates first ever Walnut Export Processing Center

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister for Housing Raman Bhalla inspecting Walnut Export Processing Centre at Qazigund on Thursday.

QAZIGUND, Oct 24: Minister for Horticulture, Culture & Housing, Raman Bhalla today inaugurated first ever Walnut Export Processing Center (WEPC) here. The Center with the installed capacity of 4000 MTs has been developed at a cost of Rs. 1.50 crore.
With the launching of this prestigious project, lakhs of fruit growers of Kashmir Valley will be benefitted. The foundation of this dream project was laid way back in 1983, but it could not be developed during the period due to uncongenial environment in the Valley.
Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that it is endeavour of the Coalition Government to create better post harvesting facilities for the fruit growers for which Centre Government has been providing liberal funding. He extended his gratitude to the Central leadership for providing funds to create upgraded marketing facilities for the fruit growers. He said horticulture is the mainstay of State’s economy and Government will do whatever possible for the betterment of this sector. He hoped that the people will avail full benefits of the project.
Elaborating further, the Minister said that Government will introduce high density plants of different fruits to enhance the productivity. Such plants will be developed in the Government nurseries and provided to the fruit growers at concessional rates. All out efforts will be made to bring more areas under horticulture cultivation in the State, he added.
Congratulating the management of the Corporation for their tireless efforts and making the project functional, the Minister asked them to double their efforts and make the institution self reliant. He asked them to extend all kind of technical and other facilities to the growers in marketing their products to other States.
Managing Director, J&KHPMC, Syed Rafiq Ahmed briefed the Minister about the features of the project. He said that the Corporation will infuse new energy and make best efforts to run the project and earn maximum revenue and contribute in improving the State’s economy. He said the Corporation will extend facilities of grading, packaging and cracking of walnuts to the local growers at a very nominal cost.
Giving details about the project, Mr. Syed said that the machinery has been procured from the California and have facilities like Walnut Grading Packing bleaching and drying and automatic Walnut Cracking Line. The Corporation is also contemplating to manufacture Card Board Carton for Walnut and apple packing for which the DPR has been prepared and sent to SIDCO for funding, he added.
General Manager, JKHPMC, Firdous Ahmed, local leaders including, Hilal Ahmed Shah, Inayat Ullah Rather and large number of local people were also present on the occasion.