Bharat Jago Daud

This has reference to the Bharat Jago Daud (wake up run for nation) organised by Swami Vivekanand Sharad Shati Samiti in Jammu.11 Sep 2103 in connection with year long events.
It was decied to take out run for nation on 11.09.13 throughout the country to re-visit this historic date ie 11.09.1893,when Vivekananad happened to deliver his historic address to the distinguished dignitaries at Chicago,America. His Chicago address is recorded in the annals of history in golden letters. It proved to be a tumultuous beginning of his tryst with cohesive and forward American society. The opening remarks in this maiden address won him rich accolades with full measure of publicity on international scale. It was well couched in divine language paraphrased as (Sisters and brothers of America. It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the born and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in name of mother of religions; and I think you in the name of the millions and millions of hindu people of all classes and sects.)
In this run for nation approximately 2000 young students drawn from 30 schools participated. This run for nation was not for competition but for disseminating the message of Swami Ji for emergence of united and strong India on the world horizon with whole hearted participation of youth. This eventful day of 11th September is also celebrated as universal brotherhood day in commemoration of Swami Ji’s messge of tolerance and mutual acceptance vis a vis other religions practised by people all over the world.
Barat Jago Daud was the fourth event in the row. Slowly and steadily the message is going down the memory lane of the youth who are getting charged with positive energy of self confidence and divine inspiration to work for the country.
Yours etc……..
PC Sharma
Convener Jammu Mahanagar